Organon of Medicine and its Different editions

Organon of Medicine and its Different editions

The word ‘Organon’ is a Greek derivation of the word ‘Organum’ which has the following meaning: 1. Literary work 2. A method of scientific investigation 3. Instrument of thought, system of logic Definition Organon of Medicine is a book written by Master Samuel...


Clinical Presentation: • High BP of pregnant lady beyond 20 weeks of gestation.• Proteinuria.• End organ changes.• No complaints of any headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or visual changes.Severe preeclampsia: • BP shooting more than 160/110 mm Hg• Any end...
Brief Introduction to Ayurveda

Brief Introduction to Ayurveda

Ayurveda – The wisdom of life is found in the knowledge it contains. Ayurveda is not only a science that treat disease, but it is a way of living. What is ayurveda?? Ayurveda is formed by two shabda(sounds); Ayu which means life and Veda which means knowledge....
Gilbert’s syndrome

Gilbert’s syndrome

Gilbert’s Syndrome pronounced as zheel-BAYRS syndrome is quiet common congenital disease which is harmless liver condition. In this condition liver doesn’t properly process bilirubin. It’s diagnosis is generally accidentally/incidental.In this...
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