

Introduction Pediculosis, commonly known as lice infestation, is a prevalent condition affecting millions worldwide, particularly children. These parasitic insects infest human hair and skin, leading to itching and discomfort. The most common forms are head lice...
Retention of Urine

Retention of Urine

Introduction: Retention of urine, also known as urinary retention, is a condition where the bladder is unable to empty itself completely, leading to the accumulation of urine. This condition can be distressing and uncomfortable, affecting both men and women of all...
Varicose veins & it’s management

Varicose veins & it’s management

Varicose veins are a common vascular condition characterized by enlarged, twisted veins that usually appear on the legs. These veins, often blue or purple in color, result from weakened valves within the veins, causing blood to pool and veins to stretch. While...
Winter season and Diseases of childhood

Winter season and Diseases of childhood

Winter season can bring about a myriad of health challenges for children. As the temperature drops and the days become shorter, certain diseases become more prevalent among the younger population. Understanding these seasonal health risks is crucial for parents and...
Physiognomy & Disease

Physiognomy & Disease

INTRODUCTION- The term ‘’Physiognomy’’ refers to features of face, to infer the relatively enduring character or temperament of an individual. In simple terms it is the mirror of inner and hidden aspect of a person which is not known to the outer world. Lavater...
Health Tips