by Admin | Oct 18, 2021 | Health Tips
Abstract- “Necessity is the mother of invention.”The most necessary thing in today’s era is health. Ayurveda is a great invention present since time immemorial. Ayurveda is a great gift to mankind. We may see that lifestyle disorders are trending in today’s modern...
by Admin | Oct 17, 2021 | Modern Topics
Angina also called Angina Pectoris, is a symptom of underlying heart condition. It happens when some part of the heart doesn’t get enough blood and oxygen. This decrease of oxygen being delivered to the muscle of the heart happens if one or more coronary...
by Admin | Oct 16, 2021 | Basics
Learning the drugs name is for sure a difficult task. Fortunately, generic names tend to follow patterns, with prefixes and suffixes often determining the class of medication.In this article we will be talking about the drugs with similar suffix. -afil :- Vasodilators...
by Admin | Oct 13, 2021 | Ayurveda Topics
DEFINITION OF AGNIKARMA- त्वऽ.मांससिरास्नायुसंध्यस्थिस्थितेऽत्युग्ररुजिवायौ । Thermal Cautery should be done in presence of very severe pain in the skin, muscles, veins, ligaments, jointsand bones caused by vata (aggravation). (SUSHRUTA SAMHITA – SUTRASTHANA...
by Admin | Oct 12, 2021 | Ayurveda Topics
कर्म : संयोग च विभाग च कारणं द्रव्यमाश्रितम्।कर्तव्यस्य क्रिया कर्म कर्म नान्दयपेक्षते।। आचार्य चरक के अनुसार जो संयोग और विभाग में अर्थात शरीर मे परिवर्तन में कारण हो , द्रव्य में आश्रित हो और कर्तव्यों के लिए होने वाली क्रिया को कर्म कहा जाता है। कर्म किसी अन्य कर्म...