The Whole book is divided into two parts:I. IntroductionIt is a review of the allopathic system of medicine, it deals with the various prefaces of different editions of the Organon of Medicine.2. Organon properIt is again subdivided into two:(a) The Doctrinal part...
Dhatu & Updhatu

Dhatu & Updhatu

                  BODY TISSUES ACCORDING TO AYURVEDA(DHATU) Sharira (body) according to Ayurveda is made of many substances. The substance that gives form to the body in Ayurveda is...
Dental Cements

Dental Cements

What are dental cements? –       Material formed by mixing powdered oxide and acidic liquid (except for resin cements)  What are the general characteristic of dental cements?...
Adverse Drug Reactions- Skin manifestations

Adverse Drug Reactions- Skin manifestations

-An adverse drug reaction is any noxious change which is suspected to be due to a drug. It occurs at doses normally used in humans, requires treatment or decrease in dose of drug and requires caution in future use of same drug. -Cutaneous reactions are among the most...
Ayurvedic concept of wellness

Ayurvedic concept of wellness

Abstract- “Necessity is the mother of invention.”The most necessary thing in today’s era is health. Ayurveda is a great invention present since time immemorial. Ayurveda is a great gift to mankind. We may see that lifestyle disorders are trending in today’s modern...
Health Tips