Microorganisms and the drugs used-

For bacteria- Anti Bacterial Drugs
For virus- Anti Viral Drugs
For fungus- Anti Fungal Drugs
For protozoa- Anti Protozoal Drugs
For worms- Deworming Drugs

In this post we will be talking just about the basic understanding of bacterias.

First of all,the Antibiotics means the drug is extracted from natural souces like Penicillin, Cephalosporins (taken from fungus)
And on the other hand Anti Bacterial Drugs means the drug is made from synthetic source like Quinolones, Ciprofloxacin

When any bacteria can be stained with gram stain then it is called Typical bacteria.
And if it is not stained then known as Atypical bacteria.

Blue colored stained bacteria are called Gram stain positive bacteria.
Red/pink colored stained bacteria are called Gram negative bacteria.

Blue color stain is called crystal violet
Red/Pink color stain is called safarrnine

Gram positive Bacillus bacteria-

Clostridium tetani– may cause tetanus

Clostridium perfingens– may cause gas gangrene

Clostridium difficile– may cause pseudomembranous colitis

Cornyebacterium diptheriae– may cause diptheria.
When it attacks on the pharynx it causes memdrane formation & puss deposition their which causes dysphagia,dyspnea like problems.
Also this bacteria releases some toxins which causes damage to nerves and heart.

Gram positive coccus bacteria-

Staphylococcus aureus– it is normal present on skin and may cause skin infection.It is a virulent organism.

Staphylococcus pyogens– can cause skin infections,pneumonia,rheumatic fever,glomerulonephritis.

Streptococcus viridans– causes infective endocarditis,this bacteria can be found in teeth and gums

Gram negative coccus bacteria-

Nisseria gonorrhoea– causes gonorrhoea infection

Nisseria meningitis– can cause meningitis

Moraxella Catarrhalis– can cause pneumonia,RTI.

Gram negative Bacillus bacteria-
They are further classified as –

1) Enterobacteriaceae– They cause infection in lumen of intestine + also outside the lumen.
It have bacteria like-

Escherichia coli– can cause enteritis,cystitis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis,urtheritis

Salmonella typhi– can cause typhoid fever

Shigella dysenteriae– can cause shigellosis (bacillary dysentery)

Klebsiella pneumoniae– can cause UTI,pneumonia.


Bacteroides fragilis– can cause diverticulitis,peritonitis

2) Non Enterobacteriaceae– They cause infection outside the lumen,and are generally not found in intestine.

They include bacteria like-

Brucella abortus– can cause brucellosis

Haemophillus influenzae– can cause pneumonia

Helicobacter pylori– can cause ulcer in stomach,duodenum

Vibrio cholerae– can cause cholera

Yersinia pestis– can cause plague

Atypical bacteria- They don’t have their own system which helps them to live outside the cell,they have to live inside the cell to survive,so it is said as they are somehow similar to virus but not actually are virus so they are called as Atypical bacteria.

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis– causes TB

Mycobacterium leprae– causes leprosy



Spirochete bacteria

Trepenoma pallidum– causes syphillis

Contributor- Medico Anant Singh Nanda

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