Acetylcholine is the important neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system.As cholinergic and Anticholinergic drugs are widely used for many pathological conditions,so before rushing into the drugs we must be knowing about the normal effects of acetyl choline.
Some important points to remember:-
•Acetyl choline acts on muscarinic and nicotinic receptors present on the body.
•Brain has both of these receptors
•Acetyl choline have actions on cognition area , eye lids , tongue , masseter muscle and many other areas of body.
•Cholinesterase enzyme is responsible for metabolism of ach.That’s why we use anti cholinesterase enzyme as a drug, to increase the activity of Ach on the receptors.
Effect of Acetyl Choline:-
1) On Heart:- When Ach acts on the receptor of heart then HR and BP decreases.
2) On Blood vessel:- When Ach acts here then vasodilation occurs.
3)On Bronchus:- Ach action on receptors of Bronchus causes bronchospasm and also as Ach is prosecretory so it causes increase in the mucous secretion from bronchus.
Ach have Prosecretory action
Due to this prosecretory action it causes increase in the secretion from –
•Nasal passage •Respiratory passage •Lacrimal gland •Salivary gland •Sweat gland
•It also causes increase in mucus of GIT
4) On Urinary bladder:- Ach action causes contraction of Detrussor muscles and relaxation of internal sphincter.It also increases ureter activity which further helps in the process of micturition.
5) On GIT:- Ach action here, causes increase in peristaltic movement which helps in defecation.
6)On Eye:- Ach causes miosis (pupil contracts).
7) On Smooth muscles:- Ach acts and causes contraction of the smooth muscles.As,mentioned earlier ach acts on the nicotinic receptors of the smooth muscles.
8) On Brain:- Ach action on different parts of the brain is responsible to store memory,it also plays an essential role in alertness, attention and learning.Ach is known to play an important role in memory & learning and is abnormally less in the patient of alzheimer disease.Low Ach level along with relative increase in dopamine levels leads to parkinsonism.This is all about the action and effects of Acetyl choline on the body.
Contributor- Medico Anant Singh Nanda