Nash’s Trio Of Restlessness
Dr.E. B. NASH is one of the pioneers best known for his trios in Homoeopathy. Not only this but he has penned many other Homoeopathic literatures like, “Leaders in Typhoid”, “Regional Leaders”, “Leaders in Sulphur”, “How to take the Case”, “Leaders in Respiratory Organs” & “Testimony of the Clinic”.
But his work on Trios outstands all, he has put in all his observation & experience of his numerous year’s practice to come to a conclusion like this. His works shows a reflection of other stalwarts like Hering, Dunham, Wells, Lippe etc. Whose writings have been used by Nash in his own practice.
Trio of Restlessness as described by Nash includes three very marked medicine having peculiarity in their restlessness and each dominating different domain of the human body giving it a unique presentation and differentiation point.
Remedies included are: Aconite , Rhus Tox, Arsenic.
All are equally restless, yet all are so very different that there is no difficulty in choosing between them.
1)Aconite: Restlessness in an acute inflammatory condition, especially in acute fever.
2)Arsenic: Restlessness mentally only mind is agitated, physically he is too weak to move about.
3)Rhus Tox: Extreme restlessness, with desire for a change of position continuously, he has a physical restlessness to a greater degree.
The Aconite restlessness is oftenest found in a high grade of social or inflammatory fevers. There is no better picture of the Aconite fever than described by Hering -“Heat, with thirst; hard, full and frequent pulse, anxious impatience, inappeasable, beside himself, tossing about with agony.”
The Aconite PAINS are intolerable and generally worse in the evening or at night alternating with numbness, tingling or formication.
In this it resembles Rhus tox, but with Aconite the pains predominate, while with Rhus tox the numbnes with dull aching and soreness, leads. The pains of Aconite are tearing, cutting pains, which drive the patien to desperation.
Arsenic restlessness goes with extreme prostration and reduced vitality. Rhus tox, on account of the aching pains, which make him want to move for the temporary relief he gets from the movement. Arsenic wants to move from place to place, but is not relieved. Neither Aconite nor Arsenic get such relief from movement.
Nor does Arsenic FEAR like Aconite, or at least in any such degree.He has fear of death, but not like the Aconite fear, but rather an anxiety and a feeling that it is useless to take medicine for he is going to die; he is incurable, such is the fear of Arsenic.
Contributor- Medico Shivam Pandey
Very nicely topic explained.
I searched it on Google but I can say the way you explained is amazing. If possible can you explain this in more detail and keep posting such videos.