Iron is a grayish or silvery white, lustrous,malleable and ductile metal which is a good conductor of heat and electricity with the symbol Fe which comes from the latin word ferrum which means iron.It is one of the  most common elements on earth, forming much of earths outer and inner core. In finely divided states they are very good catalysts,can absorb hydrogen, act as an oxygen carrier.

It is a trace element which  plays an important role in life processes of plants and animals. Iron requirement is more during growth ,pregnancy, menstruation and blood disorders. Physiologically, whole blood contains 45-50mgm/100ml in blood in two forms-

a)Plasma iron-in traces as transferrin or siderophilin.

b)Haemoglobin-About 90-97% of total blood iron.

  It is also very important because it is the basic material for many manufactured things in our day to day life. Iron is an essential bio-element for most forms of life, from bacteria to mammals. Functions  of iron in animals and plants can be observed as follows-

1)In Haemoglobin formation,as catalytic capacity of iron it act as transferer of active oxygen as well as storage to the the organic constituents of cells which are not able to react directly with molecular oxygen.

 2)Electron transport and energy metabolism(oxidation and reduction)

3)Cellular respiration

4)Ferritin, haemosiderin , iron forms in diet,etc.

Iron is absorbed in ferrous form from duodenum in body ,it depends on many factors ,one of the factor is calcium and vitamin c in diet increases the rate while it is reduced by excessive mucus and alkalis while acidity of gastric juices helps absorptions.

Sources of iron in diet- Red meat, pork and poultry,  seafood, beans, dried fruit, such as raisins and apricots,dark green leafy vegetables(spinach),peas,iron-fortified cereals, breads and pastas,etc.

Daily requirements-(As per government guidelines) The average daily iron intake from foods and supplements is 13.7–15.1 mg/day in children aged 2–11 years, 16.3 mg/day in children and teens aged 12–19 years, and 19.3–20.5 mg/day in men and 17.0–18.9 mg/day in women older than 19(lactating women requirement goes up to 45mg/day).



2)FERRUM MURATICUM(Muriate of Fe/sodium of iron)



5)FERRUM PICRICUM(Picrate of Fe)

6)FERRUM IODATUM(Iodide of Fe)

7)FERRUM BROMATUM(Bromide of Fe)



10)FERRUM ACETICUM(Acetic of Fe)


12)FERRUM PROTOXALATUM(not proved yet).


1)CONSTITUTION-Ferrum people are chilly except ferrum iodatum,thin,graceful,irritable person usually feminine with irritable circulation,delicate transparent skin and widened veins.Broadly it belongs to ‘Oxygenoid constitution’ with weak ,anaemic person with flushing face.All ferrums are right sided except ferrum Muraticum. Ferrums covers Psoric and Tubercular miasm in general (old people also show syphilitic complaints).Ferrums want everything in moderate quantity, hence they are called ‘Mr Moderator’ (they want moderation of weather,food,movements,etc.).

2)SPHERE OF ACTION & CLINICALS-Fe remedies act mainly on-C.N.S cerebral cortex, frontal lobe hypofunction(confusion of mind,tired, weakness mental fatigue,right sided headaches and migraines),eye and ear inflammation, visual disturbances hearing diminished,gut enlarged prostrate irregular menses prolapse of uterus,sensory organs hypersensitive to external stimuli, G.I.T( reduced peristalsis), Liver and Spleen enlargement, respiratory system (dry irritating cough),CVS (blood pressure increased, arteriosclerosis, blood anaemia),skin allergic dermatitis, Bones (rheumatic pain in joints,very useful  in shoulder rheumatism especially deltoid rheumatism).



Firmness is the keynote of Ferrum personality. They are solid, stable, steady and determined people. They are very watchful about their personal stage and boundaries. Ferrum doesn’t like anyones interuption in their work, any contradiction or opposition in their plan make them angry. They like to remain resolute. Dominating on family.

Ferrums are very hard working, work dedicately, using lot of energy and achieving success. They are responsible and are best in leading.

According to Scholten- there is usually a history of abuse in childhood and they grownup in apprehension. These apprehension takes the form of being sensitive to other people’s opinion.

Phatak’s Materia Medica gives the symptom ‘always in the right’.

Ferrum situation is one which requires both performance and defence against somebody forcing him to do something against his will. Therefore they become very strong-willed, very rigid and stiff in their attitude so that they cannot take any contradiction.

One of the main themes is battle and fights. It is as though they are always at war, fighting to defend into the water, of seeing dead friends and relatives and of seeing their old school again.


  • Iron is the strongest and stable metal and so are the ferrum personalities they are solid, stable and firmly.
  • Iron on heated becomes red hot and so are the ferrum personalities who can’t bear any contradiction. At high temperature, iron changes its physical form so are the ferrum they are having very changeable character.

5)DESIRE&AVERSION-Fe desires for  tomato and meat while  there is marked aversion to eggs.


AGGRAVATION-Many complaints are aggravated by rapid movements(marked in headaches),sour &cold food articles, pains aggravated during rest.

AMELIORATION-By warm food,pressure,slow and gentle movements.

                                                            Happy healing

Contributor- Dr. Apurva Varangi

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