Ayurveda is an ancient and most trusted Indian system of medicine used by Indians since ancient time. Ayurveda treatment focuses more on bringing a balance in the health of an individual rather than the symptomatic relief. By promoting overall health ayurved in directly prevents the disease and cure it. Ayurvedic system considers all the factors that are responsible for causing the particular disease and not just the disease. Just like the treatment the concept of diagnosis is also intriguing in Ayurveda. Diagnosis is done by studying the mental, physical, physiological and behavioral aspects of the patient. Making diagnosis is the first step towards the treatment and it will be more and more beneficial if it will be able to prevent the cause itself. This means will be able to prevent the cause before it occurs and hence it will be the “BEST EVER TREATMENT”.
Nidana is the fundamental cause of all diseases “आदि कारण”
Faulty dietary ( Aparhya – Ahara ) and lifestyle ( Apathya – Vihara ) are cause of many diseases. This faulty diet and lifestyle are called as “nidanas” the causative factor for many diseases. Knowledge of nidana is important in clinical practice. Faulty dietary habits in lifestyle has a significant impact on physical as well as mental health of the person. In recent decades dietary habits and lifestyle has a most as an important indicator of one’s health. Millions of people follow an unhealthy dietary habits and lifestyles. Hence they face illness and encounter several disabilities or even death.
Nidana Parivarjana According to Acharya Charak in Vimansthana 7
अनंतरं निदानोक्तानां भावानामनुपसेवनं-यदुकतं निदानविधौ तस्य विवर्जनं तथाप्रायाणा चापरेषाम द्रव्याणाम।
This means Nidana parivarjan is to avoid all the known causing factors in diet and lifestyle of the patient.
Diet (Ahrara) place a key roll to sustain the life and balanced diet is very essential for maintaining good health. Vaidya Lolimbraj in his book “Vaidyajeevanam”has also emphasized the importance of Pathya and Apathya Ahara-Vihar, “पथ्ये सतत गदातयस्य किमौषधतनषेवण :। पथ्येऽसतत गदातयस्य किमौषधतनषेवण ।।”
It means if a person intakes pathya, then there is no need of medicine and if a patient is continously consuming the apathya then also there is no need of medicine, in the latter case the medicine will not be effective.
According to Acharaya Charak Pathyapthya can be defined as
“पथ्यं पथोऽनापेतं यत्चोक्तं मनसः प्रियम। यच्चाप्रियमापथ्यं च तनयतं तन्नलक्षयेत। ।” (च.स.ू25/45)
The Ahara and Vihar which is beneficial and nutritional to the body and doesn’t impare the
bodysystems, gives happiness to mind is known as Pathya and opposite to it is known as
In modern perspective, only components of diet are taken into consideration while the Ayurvedic approaches quite distinct. It additionally deals with various other aspects like combination of
food, their quantity, methods of preparation, their emotional effect, nature of consumer along
with environmental considerations. Pthya and Apthya Ahara (dietary consideration) is an
important component for every prescription in ayurvedic therapy. Sometimes, Pathyapthya is
itself a complete treatment.
Identification of Disease –
A proper diagnosis is the first and most important step for treatment plan.
“Nidana panchak” is a great tool for diagnosis of disease in Ayurveda
The Ayurvedic examination approach is comprised in two types –
1) Rogi Pariksha – for the examination of patient.
It helps to know prakriti, vikriti, sara, samhanana, pramana, satmaya, satwa, Ahara Shakti,
Vyayam Shakti, vaya and Bala of the patient.
2) Roga Priksha – for the examination of the disease.
It gives the complete knowledge regarding the etiological factors of a disease to the
manifestation of a particular disease.
Nidana panchaka is tools for Roga Pariksha
Statement of Acharya Charak regarding nidana panchak –
“तस्योपलब्धि : निदान पर्वूरूप ओपश्य सम्प्राप्ति ।
Which means that nidana, purvaroop, roop, upshay and samprapti these five are called as
Nidana Panchaka and tools for the knowledge of the disease.
1) Nidana – Helps to learn about the causative factors of the disease, the knowledge which is
important to know about how and why the disease process was initiated.
2) Purvaroopa – Primonitory symptoms of the disease which helps in identification of disease in
its earlier form.
3) Roopa – Signs and symptoms of the disease which helps in understanding the manifested
4) Upashaya – Anupshaya -Identifying a disease by applying trial and error method after
analysing the aggrevating or pacifying factors operating on the disease.
5) Samprapti – It helps in understanding the pathogenesis of disease that is the steps starting
from exposure to manifestation of a disease.
Acharya chakrapani States –
“तत्र निदानम कारणम हि उच्यते ।”
Which means Nidana is the cause of any Disease
Similarly Aacharya charak in Nidana Sthana defined Nidana as –
“तत्र निदानम कारणमित्युक्तमग्रे” |
Nidan is the cause which vitiates Dosas and the in tern leads manifestation of disease.
Acharya Sushruta explains that which depicts Hetus (Cause) and Lakshans (symptoms) of
disease is Nidana.
Aacharya Vangsen states that nidan are those food and activities (Ahara and vihar) which
causes disease.
Objective of Nidana –
Objective of studying Nidana is primarily to know the cause or causes of a particular disease. It
helps in treatment. In most cases, when the cause of the disease is removed, the disease
subsides mainly or naturally.
According to Ayurveda the best method of curing disease is to avoid all those things and
activities that act as cause of disease.
Nidan is the main causative factor and its avoidance is the main line of treatment. To prevent the
disease and its complications its necessary to follow the first line treatment in ayurveda that is
Nidana Parivarjana.
Most of diseases in today’s time are either due to consumption of Mithya Ahara (faulty dietary
habits) or due to practicing of Mithya Vihar (poor lifestyle choices). And cases of such diseases
are increasing day by day because people are neglecting these factors for the cause of disease.
As it is alrightly said “Prevention is better than cure” which correlate with Ayurveda aim of
“स्वस्थस्य स्वस्थ रक्षणम”्
Nidana Parivarjana concept is useful for treating simple chronic, complicated disease and
preventing its recurrence.
If Nidana Parivarjana followed properly then it will greatly reduce the mortality and morbidity
among individuals.
Nidana is the prime factors for the cause of disease. That’s why both Acharyas Charak and Sushrut have advised to avoid the “Etiological factors” and it is the primary step in the management of any disease.
Nidana gives an idea to diagnose the disease and as well as some time clue to predict the
forthcoming disease.
Treatment of Krimi Roga through Nidana Parivarjana –
Acharya Charak in Viman Sthana 7 mentioned 3 main treatment of Krimi Roga :
सर्वक्रिर्वक्रिमीणामपकर्षणमेवादित: कार्य, तत : प्रकृति विघातः अनन्तरं निदानोक्तानां भावानामनपुसेवनमिति ॥
I. Apakarshan
ii. Prakruti vighata
iii. Nidana parivarjan
Nidana parivarjan means to eliminate the causative factors
which help in producing, germinating and growing of krimi.
Hence, factors responsible for production of krimi should be avoided. Nidan parivarjana is most
important principle as
Ayurveda gives importance to Ahara, Vihara as treatment.
Treatment in Shaulaya by Nidana Parivarjana –
Etiological factors in Sthaulaya – अतिभोजन, मधुर आहार सेवन, नवन्नसेवन, मांस सेवन, शाली सेवन,
गोधुम सेवन, सर्पि सेवन, श्लेष्मम्ल सेवन, गडुविकार सेवन, पयविकार सेवन
All these are avoidable causative factors (Apathya), which when avoided helps in prevention as
well as treatment of the disease.
Pathya in Sthaulaya – Puran Shali, Laja, Mudga, Shigru, Mulaka, Honey, Vyayam, Shram,
Treatment in Premeha by Nidana Parivarjana –
“येर्हेतभिुभिर्ये प्रभवन्ति मेहास्तेेषु मेहेषु न ते निशेवय:।
हितांसेवा विहिता यथेव जातस्य रोगस्य भवेच्चिकित्सा।।”
Apathya – Mansa, Sarpi, Tail, Payasa, Aluka, Ikshurasa, Dadhi.
All these causative factors should be avoided to prevent the disease from occurring in a healthy
individual as well as to manage the disease in a diseased individual. As Nidana Parivajan itself
is one of type of Chikitsa.
Pathya in Premeha – Yava, Truna dhanya, Godhum, Shastika Shali, Amla, Jambu, Takra.
Treatment in Raktpitta by Nidana Parivarjana –
निदानं रक्तपित्तस्य यत्किञ्चित संप्रकाषितम जीवीतारोग्यकामस्तव्यं रक्तपित्तभि: ।
Apathya – Katu, Amla, Vidahi pradhan, Guda, Tila, Masha, Sarshapa, Vyayama, Dhoompana,
Krodha, Maithuna
All these mentioned are again some avoidable causative factors, which can be easily be
avoided from one‟s diet and lifestyle.
Pathya – Sheetal Ahara Paan
Conclusion –
The proper use of diet not only prevents the diseases but plays major role in the management of
the diseases. It is possible when one takes diet considering the Tridoshas, Prakriti and Satmya
of person as well as Panchbhautik composition of dietary substance.
Pathya Ahara Vihar plays important role in prevention as well as cure of different diseases.
Complete cure in curable disease and management of palliable disease can only be achieved
after Nidana Parivarjana (removing the cause). If the cause is removed half of treatment is done
itself. This stops progression of disease as well as helps the individual to return in normal state.
Modern healthcare system focus more on disease management while Ayurveda emphasizes on
identification of cause at early stages to prevent its further progression.
Acharya Sushrut said –
“संक्षिप्त: क्रियायोगे निदान परिवर्जनम” ।
It means in short Nidana Parivarjana itself is a type of treatment.
Hence, it is necessary to study, understand and follow the concept religiously for living a healthy life.
Contributor – Medico Parul Tyagi
Nice Write Up