
Depression is a common mental disorder and approximately 5% of adult suffer from it worldwide.Depression is now a trending disease worldwide you may find even celebrities commenting on this disease on social media.Depression has become a major contributor to overall global burden of disease . Depression may lead to development of suicidal thoughts.Over 700000 people die due to suicide every year . Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death in 15-29 years old people.

Especially in our country depression is emerging as a new problem which is very common between the age group of 15-25 years.According to a survey of Unicef which was conducted in 21 countries.It was found that in our country only 41 percent told that it is good to seek support for mental health problems , compared to an average of 83 percent for 21 countries.

People in the society doesn’t take depression as a serious problem and they have a mindset that it is going to cure automatically.Disregarding the facts that it may lead to the feeling of hopelessness and if the condition deteriorate it may lead to feeling of doing suicide.Thus depression should be taken seriously instead of mocking at the condition s of the sufferer.

Causes of Depression

  • Death of parents in early childhood stage of the kid
  • Overthinking and always having negative approach
  • Lack of social support
  • Lack of capital
  • Sexual problems
  • Use of certain medicine like steroids, anti hypertensives etc.
  • Genetic causes
  • Patients having systemic disorders like Diabetes etc


  • Having no desire to work even in desirable things
  • Feeling of hopelessness and sadness
  • Feeling of being isolated
  • Increase or decrease in hunger
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia
  • Lack of concentration
  • Unable to take decision
  • Headache
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Weariness and laziness


  • The underlying pathophysiology of depression has not been clearly defined .It is being said that by advancing age Acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine decrease,elevated levels of MAO and decrease in number of neuroreceptors with increased resistance to diffusion of drugs may contribute to depression in aadults.
  • Studies have shown that urinary 5 hydroxy indole acetic acid a metabolic end product of serotonin was significantly higher in depressed patients
  • Studies have told that there is significant increase in total CSF protein level in depressed patients compared to patients with neurological and surgical illness.
  • Role of melatonin – studies have shown that nocturnal as well as 24 hours urinary melatonin levels are low in patients with endogenous depression whereas in patients with neurotic depression it was higher than normal levels.Studies have shown that melatonin levels are related to suicidal attempts.


  A) Treatment according to modern science:-

•  Tricyclic Antidepressant – Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, Imipramine, Doxepin, Desipramine, protriptyline, Clomipramine.

         Adverse effects – Dryness of mouth, blurring of vision, constipation, urinary retention

           Alpha1 adrenergic blocking effects like, postural hypotension, tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias

           H1 blocking effects like, sedation and confusion

           Other effects like, increased appetite,weight gain and may precipitate convulsions

•  Selective serotonin (5-HT) reuptake inhibitors– fluoxetine,fluvoxamine,citalopram,escitalpram,sertraline.

        Adverse effects – Gastrointestinal symptoms,nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, impotence, loss of libido.

•  SNRI – Duloxetine,paroxetine,dapoxetine.

       Adverse effects–   dry mouth,tremor, sweating, convulsions.

•  Atypical Antidepressants- Trazodone, bupropion, mianserin, atomoxetine

B) Treatment according to ayurveda:-

1. Saraswat Churna

It consist of Ashwagandha,ajwain,jeera,soth ,black pepper,patha, shankhpushpi,peepal etc. Used in the treatment of depression.

2. Brahmi Vati

reduces stress, anxiety , tension and sleeplessness

Dose – 1-2 tab twice in a day

3. Ashwagandha Churna

It reduces stress and anxiety

Dose – 3-6 gm

4. Saraswat Arishta 

Use to treat neurosis,psychosis, insomnia, epilepsy, stammering and memory loss.

Dose – 20 ml with equal quantity of water

5. Smritisagar Rasa

It consists of Hartal,Manashila,Tamra bhasma,Swarnamakshik,Brahmi,Malkangni oil

Used in treatment of depression , anxiety, psychosis, memory loss.

Dose – 125 mg

6. Vacha Churna

Use to treat mental health problems like depression etc,use to treat stammering problems

Dose -125mg-500mg

Management of Depression ( Ayurvedic aspect ) –

a) Yoga-

Different types of asana like padmasana, Shavasan relaxes mind and help to increase concentration.

b) Diet Regime-

In Charak Sutrasthan we have a full chapter that focuses on food what type of food should a person should take ,what should be the quantity of food all are given in this chapter besides this properties of various food items are also given by following a proper diet regime the person would be free from various diseases and this will lead to a better physical and mental

c) Sadvritt-

It means a code of good and proper conduct .It focuses upon the thing that a person should that lead to mental wellness and peace.

d) Dincharya concept –

It focuses on the things that a person should perform daily. Following dincharya given in various text of Great Ayurveda like Aashtanghridya etc one could live a healthy life and it also promotes to mental wellness.

" None of the drug listed above should be taken without proper consultation of the doctor.This post is just for educational purpose and not for any clinical purpose. "

     Contributor – Medico Rohan Barnwal

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