Ayurveda – The wisdom of life is found in the knowledge it contains. Ayurveda is not only a science that treat disease, but it is a way of living.

What is ayurveda??

Ayurveda is formed by two shabda(sounds); Ayu which means life and Veda which means knowledge. For a simple definition Ayurveda can be expressed as the knowledge of life. However, for a more in-depth meaning, the classical (Samhitas) which are the books that have the knowledge of Ayurveda profounds the meaning in a very special way. Ayurveda not only gives us knowledge to treat the diseased but it also teaches us the way of living, the main two principles (Prayojana) of ayurveda is to guard the health of a healthy person and to treat the diseased person, which is mentioned in the classical textbook in the form of shloka as follows,

स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणं, आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं। (चरक संहित सूत्र ३०।२६)

Acharya Charaka, in Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana 1/41 describes the meaning of Ayurveda in the sloka below:

हिताहितं सुखं दुः खमायुस्तस्य हिताहितम् ।
मानं च तच्छ यत्रोक्त्तमायुर्वेदः उच्यते ॥४१

Ayurveda is the Veda (science) which explains the factors which are; beneficial (hita), non-beneficial (ahita) , to life(ayu), It further gives knowledge to factors that brings happiness (sukha) or sorrow (dukkha) to life. It also measures (mana) those factors that are favourable and non favourable to the longevity of life.

Ayu- Ayu is a generic term that means life. It is like a pod that contains the following entities; Sharira(body), Indriyas (sensory organs), Sattva, and Atma.Ayu or life manifests when there is coming together of the mind, the senses, the body and the Soul(Atma) Ref: Cha. Su.1/42.

शरीरेन्द्रिय्सत्त्वात्म्संयोगो धारि जीवितम् । नित्यगश्र्चानुबन्धश्र्च पर्यायौरायुरुच्यते ॥

Ayu in the classical text has been given some interesting synonyms:

1. Dhari- which means one that prevents the body from decaying.

2. Jivita– which supports life.

3. Nityaga– which moves continually

4. Anubandha– which means attachment.

Also ayurveda believes that all substances are made up of five major elements (Panch mahabhootas) i.e Akash(Sky), Vayu(Air), Agni(fire), Jal(water), Prithvi(earth)

सर्वम द्रव्यं पंचभौतिकम ।।

Now question arises that if all the materials are made up of only these five elements than why alll materials are different from each other ??

The answer to this question is, that although these only five basic elements are responsible for all the universal materials but difference in these materials occurs because of the difference in the amount of combinations of these five elements, i.e in some materials sky element is more prominent (pradhana) than the other four elements and in some other material air element is more prominent than other elements. So the difference occurs due to the combinations of these five basic elements.

Branches of Ayurveda –

According to ashtanga hrdayam (asht means eight and ang means branches) , there are eight branches of Ayurveda.

Ashtaang Ayurveda (अष्टांग आयुर्वेद)

Kaya chikitsa– kay means body and chikitsa means treatment i.e branch of Ayurveda which deals with the internal medicine is called as kay chikitsa.

Baala chikitsa- baala means children, so the branch of Ayurveda that deals with the treatment of children or pediatrics is known as baala chikitsa.

Greha chikitsa- The treatment of diseases that occurs due to the planets or demonology is known as greha chikitsa.

Urdhvaanga chikitsa- urdhvaanga means supra clavicular i.e branch of Ayurveda that deals with the treatment of diseases above the clavicle.

Shalya chikitsa- shalya means surgical equipment i.e branch of Ayurveda that teaches us surgery is known as shalya chikitsa.

Damstra chikitsa– toxicology is known as damstra chikitsa.

Jara chikitsa- jara means ageing i.e branch that deals with or prevent pre ageing or geriatrics or simply science of rejuvenation is known as jara chikitsa.

Vrsha chikitsa- science of aphrodisiacs is known as vrsha chikitsa.

Contributor- Dr. Robert Kibet Cheboi

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