Introduction to Adulteration :-

If you are taking local unauthentic herbal preparations and it’s not working people usually blame Ayurveda or herbal drugs but the deep rooted problem is not the drugs but the “Quality of Drugs”.

Adulteration is a burning problem in today’s era due to extensive deforestation and high demand…

Due to such a high demand and less availability of natural sources and unavailability of crude genuine drugs, practices of substitution and adulteration are increasing day by day.

Similarly a large percentage of plants used in herbal industries are subject of controversy.

Adulteration is described as intentional substitution with another plant species or intentional addition of a foreign substance to increase the weight or potency of the product or to decrease its cost.

Types of Adulteration:-

  A) Substitution with substandard commercial varieties: Adulterants  resemble  the  original  crude  drug morphologically,  chemically,  therapeutically  but are  sub  standard  in  nature  and  cheaper  in  cost.

B) Substitution with Superficially Similar Inferior Drugs: Inferior drugs may or may not have any chemical or  therapeutic  value.

C) Substitution with Artificially Manufactured Substance: This  method  is  followed  for  the  costlier drugs.

D) Substitution with Exhausted Drug: The same drug is admixed but that drug is devoid of  medicinally  active  substance  as  it  has  been extracted  already.  Mainly volatile  oil  containing drugs  like  clove,  coriander.

E) Substitution with Synthetic Chemicals to Enhance Natural Character Synthetic chemicals  are used  to  enhance the character.

F) Presence  of  Vegetative  Matter  of  Same Plant: Some miniature plants growing along with the medicinal plants  are  added  due  to their  colour, odour, and constituents.

G) Harmful Adulterants: Some are harmful materials as the adulterant, are collected  from  market  waste  materials  and admixed  with  the  drug.


    Withinia  somnifera

commonly known as Ashwagandha, Indian ginseng.

It is described as follows in Ayurveda texts…


बल्यारसायनीतिक्ता कषायोष्णातिशुक्रला॥

(Bha.pra.Ni.guduchyadi varga.shlok190)

useful in Vata and Kapha disorders,  in leucoderma, on internal usage and external application, improves strength and immunity improves life expectancy, anti aging, it is bitter & astringent and hot in potency and useful in treating muscle wasting, emaciation, post tubercular treatment to improve muscle mass and strength. It also improves quantity and quality of sperm count, helps in reducing blood pressure on oral intake.

●It is useful in relieving dysmenorrhea

●It has diuretic action

●Because of its anti anxiety properties, being rich anti oxidants and hypoglycemic activity, it is very useful in treating diabetes.

●Ashwagandha is frequently used in cognitive impairment disorders and bipolar disorder. In such cases, it is made into combination with other  herbs.

Ashwagandha Uses documented as per research,

●Diabetes – reduces sugar, anti oxidant, relieves stress

●High cholesterol – reduces bad cholesterol, anti oxidant,

●It improves sperm quality.

●Parkinson’s disease. research suggests that a combination of herbs including Ashwagandha improves Parkinson’s symptoms.

●Tuberculosis – relieves muscle wasting, weight loss.

●Ulcerations – non healing wounds, abscess.

●Fibromyalgia – body ache

●It helps in balancing the tridoshas but you need consult to your nearby Ayurveda physician before taking it.


I would probably call it fruits of 90’s because I believe most of among us might have filled their mouth with these sweet and sour delights without knowing the benefits…

So,here we are…..

Mulberry is a berry that comes from a tree called Morus Alba. We usually think that mulberries are red, but there are white, black, and blue versions of them too. 

1. According to this study, the entire mulberry plant contains antioxidants. This plant has one prominent antioxidant called resveratrol which according to this research credits it for having positive effects on age and longevity.

2.supports healthy immune system.

3.mulberry fruit suppresses the elevation of blood sugar level and thus balances and controls the sugar level.

4.Mulberry fruit enhances cognitive and neuroprotection of the brain. This elevates better memory and less oxidative stress.

5.Mulberry fruit is rich in Vitamin K, calcium, iron and contains traces of phosphorous and magnesium which is beneficial for the healthy maintenance of bone tissue.

6. It is a good source of dietary fiber so it helps in improving the digestive health and prevents one from having constipation, bloating and cramps.

Consuming any form of the mulberry fruit whether the fruit itself, its powder, or juice  is beneficial to you.

You can even apply mulberry extracts on your skin – your skin will become healthy and shiny.

●According to Ayurveda some of the added benefits are..

Decoction of the bark of Morus alba is given in a dose of 40-50 ml to treat burning micturition, cough associated with phlegm & to control diabetes.

The decoction from the leaves of mulberries used for gargling in treating sore throat and gingivitis.

The root bark decoction is given in a dose of 40-60 ml to treat inflammation of the joints associated with pain.

Contributor- Medico Hrishikesh Gawali

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