Gripe Water

Gripe Water

Introduction- ग्राइप वाटर एक इतनी प्रचलित सिरप है जिसका प्रयोग बहुत ज्यादा हुआ । परन्तु क्या यह आपके बच्चे के लिए बिल्कुल सुरक्षित है या नही ? क्या इसको आप अपने बच्चे को दे सकते है ? क्या इसके कुछ दुष्परिणाम है ? ग्राइप वाटर का प्रयोग बच्चे के पेट दर्द के लिए बहुत...
Signs of Improvement in Homoeopathy

Signs of Improvement in Homoeopathy

 INTRODUCTION- In Homoeopathy Dr Samuel Hahnemann explained the law of Similia as its basis and he further stated the law of ‘’SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTUR’’ which means let like be cured by likes. It is based on totality of symptom, drug individualization as well as...
Juxta Glomerular Apparatus

Juxta Glomerular Apparatus

DEFINITION :-Juxta means near. Hence , it is a specialized organ which is situated just near the glomerulus of each nephron. STRUCTURES OF JUXTAGLOMERULAR APPARATUS :- Juxtaglomerular apparatus includes three important structures:- 1. Macula densa 2. Extraglomerular...
Migraine Headache

Migraine Headache

Migraine is characterized by periodic headaches, typically unilateral, often associated with visual disturbances and vomiting Classification • Classical migraine: visual and sensory symptoms precede or accompany the headache• Common migraine: no visual or sensory...
Pernicious Anemia

Pernicious Anemia

 INTRODUCTION-First of all, anaemia is a broad term but in normal understanding it refers to low haemoglobin count in blood which makes blood unable to provide adequate oxygen in body leads to fatigue and various symptomsAnaemia can be caused by many reasons, so...
Health Tips