by Admin | Nov 24, 2021 | Modern Topics
Acne vulgaris is a disorder of pilosebaceous unit which predominantly affects the peribubertal population and clinically manifests as comedones , papules , nodules, pustules, and cysts and heals with scars. PATHOGENESIS Although the exact cause of the acne is unknown...
by Admin | Nov 23, 2021 | Dental Topics
Dental caries being the most common disease in oral cavity is often ignored and untreated it develops further complications, including chronic irreversible pulpitis and further down necrosis of pulp. The pulpal necrosis is followed by periradicular diseases of either...
by Admin | Nov 22, 2021 | Homoeopathic Topics
MAGNESIUM GROUP (Mg) INTRODUCTION- Magnesium is a silver white lightest metal (2/3rd of aluminium weight) known used in construction. It plays an important role in life processes of plants and animals.Chlorophyll contains magnesium,it also takes part in duplication of...
by Admin | Nov 21, 2021 | Ayurveda Topics
Introduction It is estimated that there are greater than 10 million people with epilepsy in India.Its prevalence is around 1 % in our society. According to various data it is estimated that the overall prevalence of epilepsy in India is is 5.59-10 per 1000. Epilepsy...
by Admin | Nov 19, 2021 | Ayurveda Topics
कल्प स्थान को दिव्य स्थान या विकल्प स्थान भी कहते है। इस स्थान में १५ द्रव्यों का आश्रय बनाकर कुल ६०० विरेचन ( वमन + विरेचन ) योगों का वर्णन किया गया हैं। अध्याय १ – मदनकल्पम् मदनफल – Randia spinosa ( Family – Rubiaceae )मदनफल के पर्याय – मदन,...