•For Acute Bronchial Asthma- Salbutamol

•For Acute Gout- NSAIDS

•For Acute Hyperkalemia- Calcium gluconate
[Calcium gluconate is a cardioprotective.]

•For Acute Migraine- Sumatriptan

•For Atropine Poisoning– Physostigmine

•For Alcohol Poisoning- Fomepizole

•For Anaphylactic Shock- Adrenaline

•For Allergic Contact Dermatitis- Steroids

•For Alcohol Withdrawal – Chlordiazepoxide, Diazepam

•For Actinomycosis – Penicillin

•For Breast Cancer – Tamoxifen
[Tamoxifen is antiestrogen,it blocks the activity of estrogen mainly on breast]

•For Benzodiazepine Poisoning – Flumazenil

For Cyanide Poisoning- Amyl nitrite

•For Cholera – Tetracycline

•For Chancroid – Cotrimoxazole

What is Chancroid??

Chancroid ia STD caused by Haemophilus ducreyi

•For Cheese Reaction – Phentolamine

What is cheese Reaction??

To understand this we have to first understand about depression.When neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin,( collectively known as monoamine) decreases then depression occurs.Now their is an enzyme called monoamine oxidase which oxidises these monoamines and it is also responsible for cleaning and removal of tyramine from body cells.For treatment of depression we use Monoamine oxidase inhibitors(MAOIs) so it inhibits monoamine oxidase and hence depression is treated as the normal level of neurotransmitters are maintained in blood but as a side effect tyramine increases in body now if this women eats products that have huge amount of tyramine like cheese then it will further increase the tyramine levels in body which will cause an hypertensive crisis in body.So to summarise when a patient eats MAOIs and also cheese then it will cause hypertensive crisis known as cheese Reaction.

•For Cerebral Edema – Mannitol

•For Digitalis induced arrythmia- Phenytoin/Lidocaine

•Severe Digitalis Toxicity- Digibind 

What is Digitalis Toxicity??Digitalis toxicity means when we take excessive of Digoxin drug (used for arrhythmias)

•For Dicoumarol poisoning- Vit.K
What is Dicoumarol??

Dicoumarol is an anticoagulant that acts as vitamin k antagonist.So,used in treatment of thrombosis,etc.

•For Delirium Tremens- Diazepam

What is Delirium Tremens??Severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms such as shaking,confusion and hallucinations.It starts 2-5 days after the last drink and it can be fatal.

•For Dermatitis Herpetiformis- Dapsone

What is Dermatitis Herpetiformis??Extremely itchy bumps or blisters,most often on the elbows,knees,back and buttocks.Rashes that are usually the same size and shape both sides.The exact cause of Dermatitis Herpetiformis is not known.

•For Diabetic Diarrhea- Clonidine

What is Diabetic Diarrhea?? It is complication of uncontrolled diabetes which occurs basically due to Diabetic neuropathy.

•For Endometriosis- Danazol

•For Enuresis- Imipramine/Desmopressin acetate

What is Enuresis??

Enuresis means bed wetting.Night time bed wetting is called Nocturnal Enuresis.Day time bed wetting is called Diurnal Enuresis.
Mechanism of action of Imipramine is exactly not known.

Desmopressin acetate is asynthetic form of vasopressin hormone which works on the amount of urine made by kidneys.

[They both are not the ultimate treatment for bed wetting they gives only symptomatic relief.]

Contributor- Medico Anant Singh Nanda 

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