Hordeolum (medical term) which is commonly known as ‘STYE OR STY’ is a red lump on the edge of eyelid which is very painful formed due to blockage and infection of oil glands present along the eye lashes follicle. It’s common to have a stye on only one eyelid but sometimes it can be present on both the lids. It is very common incidence in both the genders in any race as well as in adults than children as oil in glands become thicker than in child’s. Individuals susceptibility increases if they are already suffering from conditions like- diabetes, blepharitis, dandruff, high cholesterol issues, etc.
Based on the location of lump, it is classified into two types-
1)External Hordeolum- Most common type. It is present on the outer part of eyelid (upper or lower) due to eyelash follicle infection.
2) Internal Hordeolum- It is formed on inner eyelids of any of the eye which is caused by an infection of oil producing inner eyelid gland.
Whenever any of the eyelid’s oil-producing glands which are responsible for lubrication of surface of eye get bacterial infection ( most common is staphylococcus aureus) results into a painful lump which we called as stye.
1)Marked red bump along the edge of eyelid near the lashes.
2)Partial or complete swelling of eyelid.
3)Crusting of eyelid.
4) Photophobia ( light sensitivity).
5)Itching and sore feeling all over the eye.
6) Involuntary tearing.
7) Foreign particle sensation in eyes.
Most of the time styes goes on its own in one or two weeks but if they persist it needs medical care in form of antibiotic treatment (oral as well as local ointment) as well as in some case procedure to lance the stye under local anesthesia.
Sometime it needs differential diagnosis where chalazion also presents similarly to a stye as it also looks like a bump and its location on eyelid but it is not on the edge but on the far back of the eyelid, it is usually painless and causative factor is not bacteria. Mode of treatment is same for both.
They are of very common incidence still they are some group of people who are more susceptible to them, they are as follows-
1)If already suffered in past.
2)Already suffering from blepharitis.
3)History of skin diseases, such as acne rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff), skin conditions like- dry, scaly skin, etc.
4)Diabetic and cholesterol (bad cholesterol) patients.
5)Hormonal disorders.
Normally it resolves on its own in 1 -2 weeks, but as it is a quite painful and uncomfortable condition, to make patient feel better (reduce pain and swelling) before that self care is adviced.
In certain cases, it is adviced to go to physician in following conditions-
1)Swelling in whole eyes.
2)Presence or oozing of pus or blood in the stye.
3)Aggravation of pain and swelling after one or two initial days.
4)Eyelids feels hot constantly.
5)Blister formation.
6)Difficulty in vision.
7)Recurrence of stye (biopsy is required to rule out any other major problems).
1)Warm compresses.
2)Using eyelid wipes for cleaning eyelid to wipe away any discharges.
1)Unnecessary touching or rubbing eyelids.
2) Do not pop or squeeze it.
3)Avoid wearing contact lenses or makeup during infection.
After following selfcare routine for 48 hours, pain and swelling still present without any visible reduction then one must consult physician for medical management, it includes-
1)Draining of pus under local anesthesia.
2)Prescription of oral antibiotics (cases in which inflammation is wide spread around eyes) as well as local application of antibiotic ointment or eye drops for quick and safe recovery.
3)Steroid injections for fast reduction of swelling is also prescribed sometimes.
‘’GOOD FACIAL HYGIENE’’ is the key.
Steps to prevention are as follows-
1)Must wash hands properly before touching eyes or face.
2)Persons using contact lenses must wash their hands before and after using lens.
Lens should be properly cleaned with disinfectant solution daily.
Also, dispose of “limited use” lenses or any daily wear cosmetic as per instructions.
3)Daily night routine to remove dirt and make up before bed as well as discard use of eye make up after every 3 to 4 months as well as do not share with anyone.
Happy learning.
Contributor- Dr. Apurva Varangi