Mnemonic for cranial nerves-
Old- Olfactory nerve ( 1)
Opie- Optic nerve (2)
Occasionally- Occulomotor nerve (3)
Truly- Trochlear nerve (4)
Their- Trigeminal nerve (5)
Are- Abducens nerve (6)
Five- Facial nerve (7)
Very- Vestibulochochlear nerve/Acoustic/Auditory nerve (8)
Gorgeous- Glossopharyngeal nerve (9)
Vixens- Vagus nerve (10)
Spinning- Spinal accessory nerve (11)
Him- Hypoglossal nerve (12)
Nature of cranial nerves-
Some- Sensory nerve (1)
Says – Sensory nerve (2)
Marry- Motor nerve (3)
Money- Motor nerve(4)
But- Both (Sensory+Motor type) (5)
My- Motor nerve (6)
Brother- Both (Sensory+Motor type) (7)
Says- Sensory nerve (8)
Big- Both (Sensory+Motor type) (9)
Brains- Both (Sensory+Motor type) (10)
Matter- Motor nerve (11)
More- Motor nerve (12)
Functions of Cranial nerves (Brief)-

Now to learn the functions of cranial nerve let us understand this image.
[Here numbers 1 to 12 denotes the no. Of cranial nerve]
Imagine it as a face with,
No. 1 as nose,
Olfactory nerve is responsible for smell
No. 2,3,4,6 as eye,
They all are related to functions of eye
No. 5 as covering face,forehead and scalp,
Trigeminal nerve has three branches opthalmic,mandibular and maxillary.
So it is responsible for mastication and facial expressions.
No. 7 as Face,
Mainly responsible for facial expressions
No. 8 as ear,
It enables effective hearing
No. 9,10,12 as tongue,
They all are responsible for functions of tongue.
But no. 10 that is Vagus nerve is also responsible for internal organ functions.
No. 11 as shoulders,
It innervates muscles of shoulder and neck.
Contributor- Medico Anant Singh Nanda