Due to sudden weather change and approach of monsoons some common complaints are quiet oftenly confronted by the people. Complaints like:
- Mild fever
- Coryza
- Fever with chills
- Itchy nose
- Skin eruptions
- Cough etc.
Most common monsoon diseases that prevail in India, are:
Mosquito borne
i) Malaria (transmitted by female Anopheles, monsoon being the breeding season for it, thus causing the main concern)

Homeopathic medications with their indications:
•Chininum Sulph(30)
Marked chilliness
Cold stage
Chills at 3pm every day
Blueness of finger nails
•Nux Vomica(30)
Chillines on being uncovered but does not want to be covered.
•Eupatorium Perf(30)
Bone breaking pain
Strong thirst
Symptoms relived by perspiration
•Ars Alb (30)
High grade fever
Marked periodicity
Night aggravation
•China (30)
Great periodicity that returns every week
Chills in morning
Night sweating
•Nat. Mur (30)
Malaria symptoms with headache
ii) Dengue (transmitted by Aedes Agypti)
Homeopathic medications with their indications:
•Eupatorium Perfoliatum(30)
Severe muscle and joint pains with high fever.
Eupatorium Perf can be used as a Preventive Homeopathic Medicine for Dengue.
•Gelsemium (30)
Some important points to keep in mind-
•Nausea and vomiting is present along with Eupatorium, for relieving nausea and vomiting in Dengue Fever, Homeopathic remedies Ipecac and Arsenic Album can also be used
•Homeopathic medicines for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, main Homeopathic medicines that can help in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever are China, Ipecac and Arsenic Album.
(iii) Chikungunya (caused by Aedes Albopictus, it is a non-fatal viral disease )

Homeopathic medications with their indications:
•Polyporus Pinicola(30)
Chikungunya fever with headache and joint pains
•Rhus Tox(30)
Joint pains get better by motion
Joint pains worsen with motion
•Eupatorium Perfoliatum
Severe bone pain
•Merc Sol(30)
Worsening of pains at night
•Arnica (30)
Petechial haemorrhages in skin
None of the above listed medicine should be taken without consulting your doctor, these are just meant for learning purpose and not for clinical use.
Contributor- Medico Shivam Pandey
Informative. Thanks for Sharing!
Good info.. keep it going