CAUSE Due to transient explosion of latent psora induced by exposure to some exciting causes.Sometimes (in epidemic diseases)acute miasams both recurring and non-recurring type are responsible.

ONSET- Sudden with rapid progress

DURATION- Moderate but fixed,without medicine it either lead to recovery or death.


1)INDIVIDUALIt attacks person individually here and there with different types of symptoms due to exposure to some exciting factors like overheating,overcooling,etc.

2)SPORADIC- These attack persons in groups at the same time here and thereby means of meteroric(atmospheric,etc) or telluric (earthly,soil,water) influences.

Here only morbidly susceptible persons are being affected.

3)EPIDEMIC- These are those which attacks many persons at the same time with very similar sufferings(signs&symptoms)from the same cause (Epidemically).these often become infectious when they  prevail among thickly populated masses(like in case of recent Covid19 epidemic).

MODE OF TREATMENT Most of the acute cases requires common homeopathic remedy selected on the basis of symptom totality,while in case of epidemic role of ‘Genus Epidemicus’ is also important along with symptomatic treatment.


CAUSE- Due to chronic miasms -PSORA,PSYCOSIS,SYPHILIS.

ONSET- Slow and insidious with a gradual progress

DURATION- Life long suffering and torment the person throughout life until at length the person is not completely destroyed vitally if not treated in time homeopathically to remove the root miasm.As here vital force itself is unable to drive away the disease,so it urgently needs the homeopathic treatment to restore the state of health .


1)PSEUDO-CHRONIC DISEASE- These are those which person bring upon themselves due to continuous exposure to some avoidable noxious influences(maintaining causes),because of long running nature they looks like a chronic disease,but in fact they are not(eg.alcohol addiction,overexertion of body and mind,etc).There is no chronic miasm involved in these persons cause of disease,so they cannot be called as chronic disease.

2)ARTIFICIAL CHRONIC DISEASE These are those which are produced artificially by the allopathic treatment (side effects of long systemic medications).Among all types this is most deplorable as they are most incurable (worst prognosis).

3)TRUE NATURAL CHRONIC DISEASEThese are those which arises from a chronic miasm (psora,psycosis,syphilis).These show rather good prognosis if treated on symptom totality and followed by ANTI-MIASMATIC TREATMENT .



1)BITES – Animal bites (eg.dogs,etc) causes tissue damage as well as infection causing danger of rabies & tetanus.

MANAGEMENT-First of all clean the wound with soap and keep it under running water for at least 5 minutes then cover it with a sterile bandage.

First Homeopathic remedy to be given is LYSSIN(HYDROPHOBINUM)200 in stat dose (under physician guidance) as prophylactic for rabies as well as remedy for bad ffects of non -rabid dogbites.

This remedy is followed by LEDUM PAL & HYPERICUM to prevent onset of tetanus as well as to treat tetanus in delayed cases.

2)STINGS- In daily life sometimes insects stings (like bee) causes various kinds of symptoms which makes people painful and anxious at the same time.It can even cause serious anaphylactic shock in some cases where person is allergic to insect stings.Few initial symptoms include-severe swelling of eyes,lips,throat.also sevre iching,stomach cramps,hives,wheezing,nausea&vomiting,etc.


1)APIS MELLIFICA-It is indicated in cases of anaphylactic shock due to stings of Bees,jelly fish and centipedes.sympotms include-when part become swollen,edematous,with a rosy hue,stinging,burning pains which are relived by cold water but get worse by heat.

2)ARSENICUM-When sting is already infected and lesion takes a Dark,black,unhealty look and septic state moves towards gangrene.It is very helpful in cases of poisonous spider bites.

3)BELLADONA-When there is rapid and violent swelling characterized by redness,heat,throbbing,burningor redness spreading out in streaks.Mentally patient is in excited statesometimes followed with delirium.It is very useful in cases of dog bites(reputed as preventive of rabies along with Lyssin).

4)LEDUM PAL-It is a common remedy frequently used in case of animal bites(dogs,cats,rats) and punctured wounds.It is reputed to prevent tetanus and antidote poison(spiders,scrpions,bees,etc).Indicated where parts bitten feels cold but the person does not want the part coveredor heated in any ways,it feels relieved by cold applications.

Wound should be washed with ledum tincture along with oral medicine for rapid recovery.

5)HYPERICUM-This follows LEDUM PAL if there is pain following the nerves upward from the site of the bite.(reputed as ANTI-TETANUS) <COLD (opposite to ledum).

It is very useful in neuritis,tingling,burning & numbness (specific for parts rich in nerves like- fingers, toes, nails, etc.)

Few other remedies are-Carbolic acid,Mercurius,Urtica urens(itching of skin is marked ,helpful in jelly fish and bees sting ),Natrum mur(for lingering symptoms after a bee sting ),Staphysagria(in cases of infected wounds).

P.S.-These remedies are very useful in several cases of bites and stings and gives relief to patient in very holistic way when taken according to symptom similarity,so it is always adviced to be taken under guidance of physician.


Contributor- Dr. Apurva Varangi

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