Hahnemann asserts that in order to achieve rapid cure three conditions must be fulfilled –‘SIMILIMUM’, ‘MINUTEST DOSE’, ‘PROPER REPETITION’.Here second condition of minute dose is very critically important as it should be given ,so as to produce the least possible excitation of the vital force,and yet sufficient to effect the necessary change in it desired to achieve cure in acute as well as chronic diseases.As the dose is in its minutest amount of medicine it is necessary that everything which can have any medicinal action should be removed from the diet and regimen of the patient during treatment,so that the small dose may not be overwhelmed and extinguished or disturbed by any foreign medicinal irritant.Such foreign medicinal irritants are therefore act as an obstacle to the path of cure.
To explain this Hahnemann gives a philosophical example in foot note of aphorism 259/1 (organon) which is as follows-
‘The softest tones of a distant flute that in the still midnight hours would inspire a tender heart with exalted feelings and dissolve in religious ectasy, are inaudible and powerless amid discordant cries and noises of the day’.
On this basic principle ,the diet and regimen should prevent the disturbance of the action of medicine prescribed so as to achieve the highest ideal of cure in acute as well as chronic diseases.
During case taking,the careful investigation of diet and regimen is very necessary as they act as obstacle to cure ,as their diseases are usually aggravated by such noxious influences and their disease causing errors in the diet and regimen of the patient which often pass unnoticed.Master Hahnemann has adviced to avoid the following types of diet and regimen in patients suffering from chronic diseases-
Coffee,fine Chinese and other herb teas, beer prepared with medicinal vegetable substances, liquors made with medicinal spices,all kinds of punch,odourous water and perfumes of different types.
2.FOOD –
Highly spiced dishes and sauces,spiced cakes and ices,spiced chocolate,crude medicinal vegetable soups,dishes of herbs,roots and stalks of plants possessing medicinal qualities,celery,onion,old cheese and meats in a state of decomposition or that possess medicinal properties(as the flesh and fat of pork,ducks and geese, or veal that is too young and sour vainds).Also,all excesses in food ,use of sugar and salt and spirituous drinks should be investigated carefully during case tasking.
Strong – scented flowers in the room, tooth pastes, mouth wash,odourous water, perfumes and deodorants should be taken into consideration.
a)Woolen clothes next to skin (exchanged first for cotton,then for linen garments)
b)Heated rooms.
c)A sedentary life in closed apartments,or the frequent indulgence in passive exercise(such as riding,diving or swinging,etc.),prolonged suckling ,taking a long sleep in a recumbent posture(in bed),sitting up long at night.
e)Unnatural debauchery(excessive indulgence in sex, alcohol, or drugs),enervation by reading obscene books,reading while lying down.
f)Onanism or imperfect or suppressed intercourse in order to revent conception.
g)Subjects of anger,grief or vexation,a passion for play,over exertion of mind and body.
h)Dwelling in marshy districts,damp rooms,poor living conditions,etc.
All these things must be as far as possible avoided or removed in order that the cure may not be obstructed or rendered impossible.
The most appropriate regimen during the employment of medicine in chronic disease consists in-
1)The removal of the above mentioned obstacles to recovery and supplying where necessary the reverse.
2)Innocent moral and intellectual recreation.
3)Suitable nutritious, unmedicinal food and drinks, etc.
4)Active exercise in open air in all kinds of weather (daily walk, slight labour).
In acute diseases (except in case of mental derangements) Hahnemann adviced to gratify the patient’s desire with regard to food and drink without offering or urging.Patient’s attendants or friends whoever are living with them should be adviced not to put any obstacle in the fulfilment of desires expressed by the patient as these are aroused by the inner subtle voice of the life – preserving vital force.
In acute diseases,the patient desires those things that give palliative relief .They are, however, not strictly speaking of medicinal character and merely supply a sort of want.This is however rare.Thus for instance,in pure inflammatory diseases,where Aconite is so indispensable ,whose action would be destroyed by taking vegetable acids,desires for cold water only.Such gratification within moderate limit s may act as slight obstacles to the radical removal of the disease.The slight hindrances will be counteracted and overcome by-
a)The power of SIMILIMUM.
b)The VITAL FORCE set free by the SIMILIMUM.
c)Refreshing effect of a gratified desire.
These two conditions must be done and provided according to patient’s desire .
3.MIND –
Patient must be kept free from all over exertion of mind and exciting emotions.
Homoeopathy is a safe and natural form of medicine, based on the principle of “Similia Similibus Curenter”. It means “like is cured by like” i.e. a disease may be cured by something that can cause similar symptoms. Homoeopathy is concerned with treating the whole person rather than the illness alone. The homeopathic remedy selected will be based on all the symptoms of the patient including physical, mental and emotional states as well as past history, family history, and intrauterine history(female) of the patient. Homoeopathic remedies stimulate the body’s own immune system and offer a long lasting cure rather than giving temporary relief. On the other hand, the action of the homeopathic remedy becomes complete when proper guidance regarding instructions about diet and regimen mentioned by stalwarts of homeopathic physicians are followed by the physicians.
Finally, combination of medicine, food (nutrition) and regimen are important for the successful treatment of a disease either acute or chronic in nature.
Contributor – Dr. Apurva Varangi
Great doctor 👍👍