1. Carbons are characterized by long-standing lingering disease slowly progressing. with tendency to chronicity and malignancy.
2. Sluggishness is another Hallmark of carbon group.
i) Sluggishness of circulation leading to varicosity of veins and varicose ulcer.
ii) Sluggishness of Immune mechanism, leading to frequent allergy, asthma, sneezing and skin affection.
iii) Sluggishness of digestion leading to hyperacidity and flatulence even simple food disagrees.
iv) Sluggishness of the repair process leading to defective unhealthy slow granulation leading to searing.
3. All carbons have characteristic feature of ‘air hunger’. They desire constant fanning, wants to be fanned rapidly and from a close distance.
4. Putridity-All carbons have tendency to relieve putrescence and putrid discharges from the body and offensive sores.
5. Tendency to glandular enlargement – Glands enlarge slowly and painfully and become indurated with tendency to malignancy.
6. Tendency to keloids, adhesions, indurations, cracks, sinuses, fistula, fissure, gangrene etc.
7. Coldness – All carbon people basically lack vital heat thus marked coldness externally with internal heat and burning.. 8. Haemorrhages – Carbons have slow passive haemorrhages the blood is black, thin and non-coagulating. 9)Pains are heavy, aching and burning.
10. Discharges are thĺck, acrid, foul offensive with lots of burning and suppressing the discharges aggravates the complaints.
11. Cravings Beer, Whisky Aversions Sweets”, Saltfood” Meat” Milk
Especially adapted to people who are fat, fair and sluggish who gets tired easily. Carbons are also indicated in people who have never felt better since previous illness. They have tendency to obesity and usually suffers from constipation, flatulence and skin troubles. The people are usually indecisive.
Exhausting acute diseases, abuse of quinine and mercury, from overeating rich food, onanism, grief, sexual excess and suppressed skin eruption.
GIT, Blood and Blood vessels, glands, skin, mucous membrane, Respiratory system.
Sycotic,Tubercular 2,Syphilitic*¹
All are Chilly.
< Cold , draft+2
< Lifting
< Eating
< High living, Rich Food
< Motion, Winter
> Open air
> Eruption*³
Sluggishness and its expression in the form of dullness, slow thought process and indecisiveness at mental level while at physical level slow, sluggish and lingering complaints becomes key and core expressions of carbons. All this expression are present right from childhood to old age. Sluggishness is so obvious that it can be hardly missed by a physician in its clinical session. One Seldom prescribes carbons without sluggishness. Sluggishness is present both at mental and physical level.
If we try to understand the sluggishness and its subsequent behaviour (slow poor and reduced response to a situation) and why these people behave in this way, we understand that these people are basically BORN WITH INERTIA and which becomes more pronounced by the action of shock and grief. This sluggishness is present in carbon since childhood. You will see that these children show poor response or reduced response to the situation. They are mild, timid and fearsome. To any question, they give a vacant look or expressionless face as if they have not listened or understood. They always require a push or support to complete their normal duties or function. As they grow up, these persons are sluggish, slow in thinking, slow to learn and suffer from night terrors, have fear of ghost, will not sleep alone or go to bed in dark, they hardly react to pleasure or pain. They are often termed Sluggish, stupid and lazy. They get tired easily and have inclination to sit. They shine up only by hard work. (You will also find a similar picture in calcarea but they are basically intelligent child but because of physical indolence they can’t cope up easily with work and hence termed slow)
As they further grow up and because of the basic property of carbon i.e. inertia their mental facaulties i.e. perception, formulation, discrimination, motivation and will are sluggish and hence they remain ambitionless i.e. they live without purpose. Their memory is weak which makes them forgetful all these produces lots of confusion, in confusion their decision capacity becomes poor they can’t plan, abstracting, theorizing and analyzing is very difficult for them. They easily get worked up over small things and have lack of self-confidence. They become coward, fearsome and dull. All these produce a state of irresolution. In irresolution they become confused, anxious, irritable and impatient. They become prone to frequent mood changes. They start feeling themselves unlucky become dependent, pitting and tearful, particular to music. Adding to this misery any grief, tension or shock burns them from within so much that the system becomes heated and desires air. They collapse mentally and physically and in the state of collapse their ability to react to pain and pleasure diminishes totally and over a period of time they develop indifference.
At physical level carbons show slow lingering diseases progressing slowly like gangrene, varicose veins, varicose ulcer, hyperacidity, slow glandular enlargement etc. So in carbon there are a lot of variations present which can be changed depending upon the environment they are in bute the core expression within remains the same.
Contributor- Dr. Rishabh