All acids have marked debility that is expressed at the level of both mind and body. It is a chronic progressive debility arising from deep-seated pathology or constitutional disturbance Acid produce marked neuro-asthenia. Debility most marked at mental sphere-acid phos. Debility marked at physical sphere-muratic acid

2. ACRIDITY, OFFENSIVENESS and BURNING is the hallmark of acid group.

3. SOURNESS Physically they smell sour, even their discharges like menses. leucorrhoea, vomiting and stools have sour smell. The abnormal discharges like pus also smell sour.

4. Acids are indicated in both acute as well as chronic disease. Organic Acids -Always produce slow, progressive, deep pathology, involving the vital organs of the body. Inorganic Acids – Always produce rapid, acute, deep pathologies at the level of skin, mucous membrane, blood and blood vessels.

5. Haemorrhagic tendency Blood is blackish brown and non coagulable. Organic acids – Passive bleeding. Inorganic acids- Active bleeding.

6. Action on skin, mucous membrane and Tissues producing inflammation, ulceration with tendency towards gangrene.

7 . Tendency to cracks, fissures, fistulas. Most of the acids produce cracks, fissures, fistulas and have Tendency to Pseudo-membrane formation.

8. DISCHARGES – It has characteristic discharges, which Acrid ,excoriating, putrid, burning, offensive and hemorrhagic.

9. PAINS of acids are pricking, stitching and splinter like.

10. CRAVINGS AND AVERSIONS – CRAVES – alcohol”, indigestible food”2 AVERSE meat and bread+2


These individuals are Thin, weak, broken down, Pale, anaemic, Shrivelled, emaciate who suffer from progressive weakness and having prematurely old looks.


CNS, Glands, Kidneys, Endocrines, Skin, Mucous Membranes, Veins And Bones, Join And Blood.


AILMENT FROM Debaucheries, Grief, Worries, Chagrin, Mortification, Sleeplessness, Stimulan Injury and Insect Bite. MIASM Tub’ Syphilitic³ THERMALS All acids are chilly except fluoric acid and picric acid, which are hot.


< Night

< Cold

< Draft

< Touch

< Stimulants > Warmth

> Short sleep Rest


Vindictiveness along with Irritability, Abusiveness, Hatred and Hopelessness becomes the key expression of an acid personality. Vindictiveness along with above mentioned expressions are present from childhood to old age. One Seldom prescribes acids, without the expression of vindictiveness and hopelessness in a clinical session.. If we try to understand the vindictiveness along with its expression of Irritability, Abusiveness, Hatred and Hopelessness and why these people behaves in this way then, we understand that these people are basically lively, jovial, and attractive with high sexual desires and are quick to respond and react. They are fully charged batteries constantly in action, but because of LOW ENDURANCE when thesepeople are bombarded with stress and strain of environment their energy vanishes soon i.e. their resistance to any disease or disharmony is extremely weak or non existence. They are just unequipped to bear even a normal brunt of environment on life.

Their first encounter with sorrow and grief burns them out. They groan and moan and burn out themselves. This continuous burning takes away all the zest of life, they start developing anxiety, and this anxiety is mostly related to health where even a small illness looks like a major disease to them. These leads to lots of fears, there is fear of death, confusions, memory becomes weak and they become forgetful and also starts developing indifference to the loved ones and ultimately depression sets in with suicidal tendency.

The other expression of low endurance is that when these people are humiliated, criticized insulted or at any slightest provocation they become highly reactive. irritable, abusive and acrid in nature using foul language making the relationship sour. They continuously worry, brood and anxious thoughts keeps ignited a continous fire within, burning them out. They burn themselves internally and the company. around them. The sour relationship often produces marked hatred feeling towards the person who has humiliated them. They become vindictive and try to avenge the insults by continuously torturing the opposite person. The hatred is to that great extent that they become revengeful and never moved by any apology, and derive happiness by seeing the suffering of others. This is how we understand the basic property of acids i.e. BURNING, ACRIDITY and CORROSSIVENESS at the mind level.


Their resistance to any disease or disharmony is very low. In disease they age prematurely with faster withering and rapid emaciation with severe physical enfeeblement, falling victim to metabolic disorders such as diabetes, gout or endocrinal hypothyroidism or CNS disease like motor neuron disorder, dis seminated sclerosis, neuro-asthenia and finally senile dementia. Among acids even the onset of such disease is early. In fact acid has one of the fastest miasmatic degeneration from Psoric to tubercular to syphilitic stage.

This is just a variation in acid group but can be changed within individual remedies but the core expression of remedy remains the same

Contributor – Dr. Rishabh

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