
“Necessity is the mother of invention.”The most necessary thing in today’s era is health. Ayurveda is a great invention present since time immemorial. Ayurveda is a great gift to mankind. We may see that lifestyle disorders are trending in today’s modern society. We are so engrossed in money making that we don’t have time for our health.Unhealthy eating habits, improper sleeping habits,lack of exercise are the major habits that are the main cause of lifestyle disorders and other diseases too. We may see children affected by Type 2 diabetes. Person having heart problems at early 30’s.Children are having eye sight defects at age of 4 . All these problems could be removed if we start following the concept of health wellness. Wellness may be defined as a well state of being healthy mentally and physically as a result of deliberate endeavor. It’s a process of making choices to live a healthy life.


We are born only once so instead of just surviving we should think of thriving on this planet and this could be achieved through ayurveda.
Ayurveda main aim is to maintain the health of a healthy person and eradication of disease from a diseased person.We have dincharya concept, aashta aahaar vidhi concept,Yoga, sadvrit, swasthvrit description, different rasanya, ritucharya concept, dietic incompatibility concept all of these focusses on longevity and healthy living.We have a full chapter on Charaka that focuses on different food materials like grains ,meat,milk,fruits etc.Thus tells us about there properties and there effect on body.

Thus by following ayurveda the concept of wellness could be fully achieved. We are blessed with the rich legacy of ayurveda. We may see different multinational companies are selling there products just on the name of ayurveda and people are attracted towards these products because of their faith in our ayurveda. Different countries are trying to get patent on our ayurvedic herbs because they know that the future world would be of ayurveda only. By following ayurveda in our daily life routine not only health wellness, social and mental wellness could also be achieved.

According to WHO “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. In Ayurveda we have different medhya dravya and yoga aasan that promotes to mental wellness.In Charaka there is full description of types of people we should make friendship with .In Charaka purvardha Vimansthan last chapter there is full description of debates , assemblies thus telling us about social wellness.

• Role of Dincharya:- Dincharya tells us about the healthy habits that one should perform daily and it also tells us about the benefits of these habits that why they are important for healthy living. These habits include waking up early, attending nature’s call, rinsing of face,applying collyrium, taking nasya, doing gargle, taking fumigation, oleation, doing exercise, bathing, eating proper and healthy food and following sadvrit, thinking about how you are spending your time and how’s your days are spending. Thus simply by following the rules of Dincharya one could live a healthy life.

Depression is a major problem worldwide. Millions of people are suffering from depression. Anti-depressants in allopath have detrimental effects on body. Many ayurvedic herbs act as natural antidepressant without having any major side effects.
For example Ashwagandha relieves stress and anxiety due to presence of active compounds like saponins, steroidal lactones, alkaloids and withanolides that have anti-depressants properties. Brahmi increases serotonin level in brain that help the mind to become calm thus giving relief from anxiety. Besides this there are different yoga and
aasana like pranayama etc that helps to remove stress and depression.

• Role of Dietic incompatibility:– It tells us about those dravya that instead of providing nourishment to the body starts acting against the body thus proving to be harmful for human health . Dietic incompatibility concept is not a rocket science anyone can easily understand it’s concept and use it in daily life .This would help one in healthy living.
Lifestyle disorders like diabetes, hypertension,obesity,heart problems are common problem of today’s modern society.The world is moving at a really fast pace and it is very important to keep on moving with this changing world but in all this the most important thing that we are neglecting is our health.Unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, indulging in smoking and drinking, improper sleeping habits are the main reasons for lifestyle disorders. Ayurveda could play a role of game changer in this.We have chapter twenty seven of sutrasthan in Charaka purvardha which focusses on different types of food materials like grains ,pulses, meat, oils, fruits, honey, vegetables etc.The qualities, properties, and harmful effect of all these food materials is given in detail in this chapter.

In ayurveda vata, pitta, and kapha are mainly responsible for causing different types of disease.By knowing the properties of different food material we could easily find which food is healthy for us and which is unhealthy.Thus it helps us in healthy living .In Ayurveda we have a great detail on yoga which tells us how yoga helps to control our body and mind and how one’s soul meets the eternal soul. By practicing yoga we could easily get rid of diseases like obesity ,depression etc.Thus ayurveda could play a great role in giving people a healthy life full of positivity and happiness.

• Role of Ritucharya:- We may see as the season changes many of us aren’t able to adopt ourselves according to the changing season as a result diseases like fever, flu, cough, cold are common.It is said that the winters could be savaging for old person having blood pressure problems. Many digestive tract problems also occur in different seasons. Person having arthritis and gout also suffers in winters due to increase in pain in joints. The strength of the body varies according to different season. In late and early winters it is maximum . In summer and rainy season it is minimum and in autumn and spring it is average. In ritucharya there is full description of different dravya one
should eat, what precautions he should take, vihara (oleation, exercise etc)and description of useful and harmful thing is also given according to different season.For example in early winters person should eat meat, jaggery, milk products, animal fats, and should do exercise, swedan, oleation, drink warm water and should reside in warm house and should use blankets and quilts and inedible things during this season is food having properties similar to vata dosha. If person is going to follow ritucharya he would be stay away from seasonal and other diseases and could live a healthy life.

• Role of Panchkarma:– It consist of five different types of treatment that removes different types of the doshas from the body thus purification of the body is done through Panchkarma. Panchkarma consist of vaman which is given for the elimination of kapha dosha, virechan is given for elimination of pitta dosha. Basti is given for elimination of vata dosha. Nasya is given to treat different allergies and also in sinusitis. Nasya therapy prevents greying of hair and wrinkling, and strengthens shoulder, neck, chest and skin. Raktmokshana is used for the detoxification of the blood. Thus panchkarma purifies the whole body promoting to healthy living.

• Role of sudation:- We may see joint problems are common these days besides this headache, bodyache are also common. Sudation provides great relief in all these pain without having any detrimental effects on body.Besides this sudation is also given before panchkarma. Sudation is given in vata and kapha or vatakapha dosha to get rid
of these dosha.


We may thus see that Ayurveda provides us numerous ways that if one going to follow in his daily life no doubt that he is going to live a healthy life.We have seen through so many examples that how one could achieve full health wellness through Ayurveda.Thus we may say that Ayurveda is a science of curing, healing and rejuvinating the body, mind and soul.

Contributor- Medico Rohan Barnwal

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