Acupressure is the process by which normal energy flow in the meridians is restored by the application of pressure to certain points in the body. Meridians are the channels in which the energy flows as prana. Any obstruction or blockage in the flow of energy in the body on these meridians results in ill-health. Tiny crystals-built up on the nerve endings can also disrupt the proper flow of energy impulses. This interruption in the energy flow causes pain at specific reflex points on the respective meridians. These points are based on the concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) & Acupuncture. When pressure is applied to these reflex points, they are stimulated and the blockage to energy flow is released. Relief follows the normalisation of the energy flow.
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can result from any incident or thought that makes you feel anxious, irritated or frustrated. Stress is your body’s reaction to a challenge or a demand. In short course, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you withstand a danger situation or to submit a work within the time limit. But when the stress lasts for a longer time, it may affect your health badly. It results in disturbed sleep, sleeplessness, anxiety, indigestion and much more problems.
1. Before acupressure is applied, the point should be warmed up with five clockwise and five anti-clockwise thumb circles.
2. Acupressure should be given with thumb presses. Pressure should be applied with the pad of the thumb, perpendicularly to the surface of the skin. Each point should be pressed three times. Each time, slowly increase the pressure over a period of 5 seconds. Repeat the process for 3 to 5 minutes for better results.
3. After acupressure, the point should be soothed with five clockwise and five anti-clockwise thumb circles.
LI 4 (Large intestine 4) – HEGU – Joining valley
LOCATION – The highest point of muscle bulge when the thumb is pressed close to the index finger.
This point relieves all kind of pains in the body, particularly headache, thus providing relaxing and refreshing effect to the mind and body.

LIV 3 (Liver 3) – TAI CHONG – Great Rushing
LOCATION – The point is located between the big toe and the second toe. Slide your finger along the space between the first and second toe to the tip of the joint. The point is located in the depression before your finger touches the bone.
When applied pressure, LIV 3 clears the head, benefits the eyes, calms spasms, alleviates pain. This point also provides relieving effect during painful menstruation. This point is also known as SI GUAN (four gates) along with LI 4 as they strongly regulate the Qi (the vital energy) and blood, stop pain and relieve spasms.

EX-HN-3 – YINTANG – Hall of impression
LOCATION – On the anterior midline, between the eyebrows. (In the place of the third eye – Ajna Chakra).
This point provides relief during headaches, allergies, sinuses, heavy sensation in the head, vertigo, anxiety, stress, insomnia and eye disorders.

P 6 (Pericardium 6) – NEIGUAN – Inner gate
LOCATION – From the centre of the wrist joint, 2 thumb width below the wrist crease.
This point is a sedation point. It calms the shen, relieves anxiety and provides a sound sleep. It is also a good point for nausea, vomiting, travel sickness and motion sickness.

H 7 (Heart 7) – SHENMEN – Spirit Gate
LOCATION – On the wrist crease, at the proximal border of the pisiform bone (on the tiny finger side).
Shenmen is the point for emotional issues, calms the shen, thus leads to good sleep and also regulates and strengthens the Heart.

DU 20 – BAIHUI – Hundred meetings
LOCATION – Place the hands on both sides of the head, with the thumbs touching the apices of the ears. Join the little fingers on the midline on the top of the head and locate DU 20 in shallow depression on the vertex of the head.
Applying pressure in DU 20 calms wind, benefits the brain and sensory organs, calms the shen, nourishes the Sea of Marrow and treats insomnia.
Applying pressure to these points gives a relaxing effect and improves our mood which helps in reducing the stress.

Contributor- Medico Asma Muhammadi
Very informative…most needed during these times..
Thanks for sharing this 👍👍