by Admin | Oct 16, 2021 | Basics
Learning the drugs name is for sure a difficult task. Fortunately, generic names tend to follow patterns, with prefixes and suffixes often determining the class of medication.In this article we will be talking about the drugs with similar suffix. -afil :- Vasodilators...
by Admin | Sep 23, 2021 | Basics, Modern Topics
Clinical diagnosis of Menopause is absence of menstruation for 12 consecutive months without any other pathology .This is also known as retrospective menopause Firm diagnosis of menopause: • FSH is elevated around the period of menopause (around 45 -55yrs)•...
by Admin | Sep 14, 2021 | Ayurveda Topics, Basics, Modern Topics
Surface marking of Heart : 1. Superior border – Superior border is formed by joining points A to B as shown in the diagram. • Point A lies at the lower border of the left coastal cartilage about 1.3 cm from the sternal margin.• Point B lies at the upper border...
by Admin | Jul 30, 2021 | Basics, Modern Topics
•Abortion- Termination of pregnancy before even completion of full term, it may be done by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus.Also when an abortion occurs without any intervention then it is know as misscarriage or spontaneous abortion....
by Admin | Jul 29, 2021 | Basics, Modern Topics
•Achalasia- It occurs when nerves in the esophagus becomes damaged.As a result it becomes paralyzed and eventually loses the ability to squeeze food down into the stomach. •Anorexia- Lack of appetite ime person has no desire to eat....
by Admin | Jul 29, 2021 | Basics, Modern Topics
•Ambylopia- When nerves pathway of eye doesn’t develop properly then one eye becomes lazy in seeing object and then the brain start seeing from the healthy eye this causes weakness of eyesight from the other eye this condition occurs in early childhood.This can...