The term ‘minerals’ refers to elements in their simple inorganic form. Minerals are vital to health as they help in regulating and building the body cells along with vitamins and amino acids. Each of the essential food minerals does a specific job in the body and some of them do extra job in terms of keeping body cells healthy.
On the basis of requirement by the body they are of two types-
1) Substantial type- It includes- Calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, Sulphur, chlorine and potassium.
2)Trace type(required in minute quantity) -It includes-Iodine, zinc, cobalt, selenium, copper, silicon, fluorine and some others.
1)Calcium- It is most essential among all the minerals. It is mainly used for building strong bones and teeth and also used by blood, muscles and nerves. Many functions such as heart rhythmic contraction, stimulation of digestive enzymes, etc. are dependent on Ca mineral too. A daily intake of 0.4 – 0.6 grams is desired by an average adult which can be increased during the growth phase or pregnant/lactating women.
Calcium is found in milk and milk products, whole wheat, leafy vegetables like spinach, carrots, lemons, figs, walnuts, etc. in our day to day life.
Adequate amount of Ca is needed for balanced growth and development in early years of life if not it can cause rickets and may became the causative factor for osteomalacia, tetany, brittle bones, etc. in many adults. Therapeutic dose under physician guidance should be given to treat Ca deficiency to avoid any such disease and to ensure optimum balance in growth and development.
2)Phosphorus –
Calcium – phosphorus balance is necessary in body for growth of bones, teeth, and development of nerve cells. It is essential for the assimilation of carbohydrates and fats in digestion.
Phosphorus is found in cereals, pulses, nuts, egg yolk, fruit juices, milk, legumes, etc. A daily intake of 1 gram is desired by an average adult. It is necessary in order to avoid loss of weight, retarded growth, reduced sexual power, general weakness, poor mineralization of bones, nerve affections, etc.
(P.S. – Calcium supplements with phosphorus is recommended in therapeutic dose as calcium alone cannot rectify the deficiency disorders )
3)Iron – It is an important mineral essential for vital activity of blood (carrier of oxygen in the form of haemoglobin ) and glands. It is also known as master mineral which creates warmth, vitality and stamina.
Iron is found in raisins, spinach, dried beans, dark color fruits, dates, beetroot, liver and egg yolk, etc. A daily intake of 20- 30 mg is desired by an average adult to avoid dietary iron deficiency which can cause nutritional anemia, low resistance, over all exhaustion, pale complexion, shortness of breath on exertion, decreased libido, etc.
(P.S.-400mg Folic acid + 10-25mg Vita b12 is to be taken with iron supplement in case of insufficient iron intake in diet)
Main component of extra-cellular fluid of the body which along with potassium and other electrolytes maintain the osmotic pressure and water balance in body. It also helps in maintaining the acid-base equilibrium, nerve transmission as well as muscle functions, inter-cell transportation of nutrients, etc.
Sodium is found in form of natural salt in every food we consume in daily life. They are found in vegetables and fruits like celery, cucumbers, pumpkin, watermelon, apple, orange, lemons, lentils, etc. In animal sources it is found in bacon, cheese, sea food, lean beef, etc. In diet daily intake of 10-20 grams according to physical activity is recommended for adults to avoid both excess as well as deficiency of sodium .
Deficiency can lead to nausea, muscular weakness, mental apathy as well as respiratory failure in severe cases. Mild deficiency is treatable by ORS solution or simple salt water or fruit juice administration while in severe case Saline intravenous drip is required.
In our daily life excess of sodium is more common due to overuse of table salt which leads to high B.P., stomach issues, hardening of arteries, etc. which can be corrected by limiting the use of extra salt in diet.
Along with phosphate and carbonate it is present in bones as reserve supply in body
.It is second most abundant metallic cation present in cells. Total 25 grams is found in human body. Magnesium is responsible for relaxation of nerves, to maintain sleep pattern, enzyme activation for metabolism, to bring relief from indigestion, to maintain healthy cardiovascular system, kidneys, etc.
Magnesium is found widely in our foods as they are part of chlorophyll. Major sources are nuts, soyabean, alfalfa, whole grains, brown rice, apples, figs, almonds, etc. In diet daily intake of 300mg for females (450 for pregnant and lactating) and 350mg for males is recommended to avoid kidney damage, heart attack, seizures, depression, impaired protein metabolism, premature aging, etc. therefore in therapeutic doses 700mg per day is also given in any case of magnesium related issues.
It is principal mineral present in intra-cellular fluid which act as catalyst in energy metabolism along with glycogen and protein synthesis. It is responsible for maintenance of acid-alkaline balance in body . It regulates muscle contraction, proper nervous system functioning, it helps in proper detoxification function of kidney, stimulation of endocrine system and healthy female reproductive system, etc.
Potassium is found in almost all vegetables primarily in leafy types, fruits like- oranges, grapes, etc., nuts, milk, cottage cheese, etc. In diet daily intake of 0.8 -1.3 grams per day is recommended as minimum need by an average adult. Deficiency due to severe vomiting or diarrhea, diabetic acidosis or kidney disorders are found may lead to nervous exhaustion, fatigue, palpitations, etc. In simple deficiency intake of coconut water can rectify it most of the time.
(P.S. – During acute renal failure & Addison’s disease patient diet should be monitored to avoid any potassium rich food )
It is an essential mineral required for thyroxine production. It is important to regulate metabolism, growth, healthy development of hair, nails, etc., improves mental alacrity (Reverberation skill), etc.
It is found in various fruits vegetables and sea foods few examples like kelp, fish liver oils, pears, citrus fruits, egg yolk, pineapples, etc. In diet daily intake of 130mcg per day for male and 100mcg for females (125mcg in pregnancy &150mcg during lactation) are recommended in order to prevent goitre.
It is widely present in organs like kidney, liver, pancreas & glands mainly pituitary, etc. It is vital for Musculo-nervous co-ordination and healthy development of nervous system. Manganese is found in outer shell of nuts and grains, green leafy vegetables, fish, raw eggs, citrus fruits, etc. In diet daily intake is not recommended in range but 2.5 mg to 7 mg is average adult requirement in order to avoid its deficiency as it can lead to loss of muscle elasticity, dizziness, memory loss or poor retention issues, etc.
It is a vital mineral essential for male reproductive health as it is present mainly in testicles and seminal ducts. It is also needed to maintain the elasticity in tissues in turn helps in slow ageing, it aids in alleviating hot flushes and post-menopausal distress among women. It is found in eggs, milk, onion, tomato, garlic, sea foods, etc. In diet daily intake is not recommended in range 50mcg to 100mcg is average adult requirement in order to avoid its deficiency as it can lead to loss of stamina prematurely.
It is an immunity booster trace mineral which is needed for overall growth and development as well as sexual maturity (smooth pregnancy & male virility). It is mainly present in eyes where it acts as carrier of Vita A to them, skin, hair, nails, testes, etc. It also aids in functioning of enzymes in body. Zinc is found in liver, meat, milk, nuts, sea foods, whole grains, etc. In diet daily intake of 15mg for males and 10mg for females (20mg in pregnancy) is recommended to prevent deficiency as it can cause hair loss, weight loss, loss of appetite, recurrent infections, etc. which can be further rectified by giving zinc in therapeutic doses.
Contributor- Dr. Apurva Varangi
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Nice 👍
Good work, thanks for sharing.
Nice write up doc.
Thanks for sharing ma’am 🙂