Cavity means space. So buccal cavity is the space in the mouth. It means when we open our mouth we see a space inside it. That space is called Buccal cavity. If we hold our cheek , then we will observe that there is also a space between our cheek and teeth and that space is called vestibule.


Different parts or organs that are included in buccal cavity are teeth , hard palate towards the teeth , soft palate away from the teeth , uvula ; a hanging part which prevents the entry of food into the internal nostrils , tongue which is attached to the floor of buccal cavity by frenulum , epiglottis which prevents the entry of food into the food pipe. The opening of oesophagus is called Gullit and the opening of trachea is called Gullit.


Our teeth have three major parts. These are crown , neck and root. Different parts that are included in these major three parts are enamel , dentine , pulp cavity , cementum , periodontal ligaments , root canal and apical foramen.

  • ENAMEL :- The origin of enamel is ectodermal. It is the protecting covering layer of teeth. It is the hardest substance of the teeth. It is made up of 96% of inorganic substances. It is produced by the ameloblast cells.
  • DENTINE :- The origin of dentine is mesodermal. It is the bony part of the teeth. It is produced by the odontoblast cells.
  • PULP CAVITY :- It is produced by the odontoblast cells. It contains blood and lymph vessels and nerves.
  • CEMENTUM :- It is a thin layer of hard dental tissue. It covers the anatomic roots of the teeth. It is produced by the cementoblast cells.
  • PERIDONTAL LIGAMENTS :- It is a fibrous joint. It anchors the root of the tooth to the alveolar bone socket.
  • ROOT CANAL :- It is the natural opening of teeth. It is found at the tip of the root.


In human beings , there are 4 types of teeth. These are thecodont , bunodont , diphyodont , heterodont and monophyodonts. Thecodont is a type of dentition in which teeth is attached to the socket of jaw bones. Bunodont is the type of dentition in which small cusps are present in the teeth. Diphyodont is a type of dentition in which two sets of teeth are present. Heterodont is a type of dentition in which 4 different kinds of teeth are present. Monophyodont is type of dentition in which teeth comes only once in the whole life time.


Diphyodont is a type of dentition in which two sets of teeth are present {in human beings}. These are primary dentition and secondary dentition. Primary dentition is also known as milk teeth / temporary teeth / deciduous teeth. Total there are 20 teeth in primary dentition that is there are 8 incisors , 4 canine , 8 molars. Premolars and 3rd molar is absent in primary dentition. Secondary dentition is also known as permanent teeth / adult teeth. Total there are 32 teeth in secondary dentition. Out of which 20 teeth are present in both dentition. Rest 8 teeth are premolars and 4 3rd molars. These are monophyodonts.


Heterodont is a type of dentition in which 4 different types of teeth are present. These are incisors , canines , premolars and molars. Incisors help in cutting and only one root is present in both upper and lower jaw. Canine helps in tearing and only one root is present in both upper and lower jaw. Premolar helps in grinding and in upper jaw only one root is present and in lower jaw 2 roots are present. Molar helps in grinding and 2 roots are present in upper jaw and 3 roots are present in lower jaw.


Arrangement of teeth in each half of the upper jaw and lower jaw in the order of incisors , canine , premolars and molars are known as dental formula.

Dental formula for adults = I , C , Pm , M / I , C , Pm , M = 2 , 1 , 2 , 3 / 2 , 1, 2 , 3 = 8X2 / 8X2 = 16 / 16 = 32

Dental formula for milk teeth = I , C , Pm , M / I , C , Pm , M = 2 , 1 , 0 , 2 / 2 , 1 , 0 , 2 = 5X2 / 5X2 = 10 / 10 = 20

Dental fomula for 16 years old = I , C , Pm , M / I , C , Pm , M = 2 , 1 , 2 , 2 / 2 , 1 , 2 , 2 = 7X2 / 7X2 = 14 / 14 = 28

Dental formula for monophyodont = I , C , Pm , M / I , C , Pm , M = 0 , 0 , 2 , 1 / 0 , 0 , 2 , 1 = 3X2 /3X2 = 6 / 6 = 12


Tongue is a freely movable muscular organ attached to the floor of the oral cavity by frenulum. The upper surface of the tongue had small projections called papillae. Some of these papillae contains taste buds. In an average So in an average the human tongue has 2000-8000 taste buds. The average life span of these are estimated to be 10 days. Tonsills are present in the interior part of the tongue. In tongue there are 3 papillae. These are circum vallate papillae , fungiform papillae and filiform papillae. Circum vallate papillae is largest and inverted v shape. These are minimum in no. that is 8-12. But bear maximum taste buds that is 100-300. Fungiform papillae has red and pink dots. Present on lateral side of tongue. Now comes filiform papillae. So it is the smallest , maximum in no. Present in the entire surface of tongue. It is white in color. Taste buds are absent in filiform papillae.


 It is muscular that is skeletal muscles. It is a common passage for both food and air. It is divided into three parts. Nasopharynx for air. Oropharynx for air and food. Laryngopharynx in which epiglottis for air and gullet for food. The function of pharynx is deglutition that is swallowing of food.

Contributor- Medico Abinash Jenah

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