Udan Vayu Mudra is a type of hand gesture that is believed to promote the flow of energy to the upper parts of body especially to respiratory passage and brain.So,firstly talking about the Vayu, in ayurveda we believe the Vayu is of five types, प्राण वायु, उदान वायु,समान वायु, व्यान वायु, अपान वायु
Udan vayu is primarily responsible for speech,functioning of thyroid gland,blood supply to brain and thinking process, it’s region is from head to neck.Disturbances in udan vayu can cause problems with voice,shortness of breath,depression,memory loss,intellectual disability etc.

When talking about mudra i.e hand gesture in ayurveda we believe that our,Thumb denotes Fire element (अग्नि महाभूत)
Index finger denotes Air element (वायु महाभूत)
Middle finger denotes Space element (आकाश महाभूत)
Ring finger denotes Earth element (पृथ्वी महाभूत)
Pinky Finger denotes Water element (जल महाभूत)
Now udan vayu mudra brings the thumb,index finger,middle finger and ring finger together which is said to give therapeutic effect.Udan vayu mudra is aimed to improve the function of udan vayu.So,balances hormonal disorders,helpful in asthma,improves kidney functions.
Method of performing udan vayu mudra
It can be performed by sitting simply on chair with your back straight,closed eyes.Close your eyes and take few deep relaxed breaths then bring your ring,index and middle finger together and bend it over to touch your thumb.The little finger should be pointed straight in upwards direction.You can do this with both the hands.
Benefits of udan vayu mudra
•Sharpens the memory
•Helpful in asthma and other breathing difficulties
•Develops awareness and purifies thought•Relieves depression and tension
•Promotes calmness
•Develops a positive attitude and makes you happy and cheerful
•Regular practice helps in developing the natural glow of the skin and also overcomes various other skin problems
•Generates new vitality in the body and removes weakness
•Improves the flow of energy and alertness in all parts of the body