For the ease of treatment ayurveda is classified into eight treatment limbs.These are as follows-
1) काय चिकित्सा (Medicine)- In ayurveda kay means Body. So thus includes treatment of all the complications which occurs in an individual.
2) बाल रोग (pediatrics)- As the name itself indicates,it includes treatment of children.
3) ग्रह चिकित्सा (Science of demonic seizures psychology)- When an individual is suffering from the bad effects of demon,evil spirit,cacodemon,incubus,etc. Then its treatment comes under this part.
4) शालक्य तंत्र (Science of ENT)-This branch deals with the supraclavicle dosoreders including disorders of Ear,nose,throat,eye,dental,head and neck.
5) शल्य तंत्र (surgery)- Among the eight limbs of ayurveda it is the most significant branch.Basic idea behind shalya tantra is to remove an irritating factor (which produces pain in the body of an individual) from the body.
6) अगद तंत्र (Science of toxicology/venomology)-This science provides us relief from the toxic effects of venoms secreted by various snakes,toads,insects,salamanders,etc.
7) रासायन चिकित्सा (Science of rejuvenation)- This is one of the branch whose basic motto is to slow down the aging process.With the help of this branch we can increase the age,concentration power, strength, intelligency of human being upto some extent.
8) वाजीकरण चिकित्सा (Science of aphradiasics)- This branch deals with the management of defective semen and spermatogenesis along with sexual potencification.