The chapter that expounds the knowledge of Dosha.

                    Dehasya mulam doshAdyah

DoshadhatumalA mulam sadA dehasya-(A.H. 1.5)

In the above verse it states, that dosha, dhatu, and mala are the root(mula) of the body. This statement is affirmed to be true by the word SadA.

Classification of Dosha, dhatu and mala

Dosha are in three types




Dhatu are seven in number


2. Rakta

3. Mamsa

4. Meda

5. Asthi

6. Majja

7. Shukra



2. Mutra

3. Purisha

The importance of dushya as root of the body.

  1. Dosha.

In their normal state. The dosha nourishes and keeps the body healthy.

A) Vata Dosha

Vata dosha in sama states performs the following functions-

-tam chalah| utsAhocchvAsanishrvAsacheshtAvegapravartanaih ||1||

samyaggatyA cha dhatunAmakshanAm pAtvena cha| anugruhnAtyavikrutaH

(Ref A.H 11/1-2)

It confers utsaha(enthusiasm), ucchvasa(expiration) nishwasa(inspiration), chesta(all motor activities), vega pravartana(regulation of thr natural urges), samyak gati of dhatus(maintenance and the regulation of the dhatus) and akshi pavata(proper function of the sensory organs)

B) Pitta Dosha

Pitta dosha in sama state(balance)

– pittam paktyushmadarshanaih kshuttrudruchiprabhAdhIshouryatamArdavaih(A.H 11-2)

Pitta in its normalcy performs the following functions.

Pakti(digestion), ushma(maintenance of body temperature) darshana( supports visual acuity), kshut(brings about hunger), trd( causes thirst), ruchi( causes craving), prabha( influences skin tone),  meha(retaining of memory), dhi(intelligence), shaurya(bravery) amd softness of body(softness of the body).

C) Kapha Dosha

Kapha dosha in its normal state is responsible for the following physiological action

                       ShleshmA sthiratvasnigdhatvasandhibandhakshamAdibhih

 Ref: (A.H 11 -3)

  • Shleshma(kapha) provides the following to the body.
  • Sthiratva(firmness), snigdhatva(unctuosness)
  • Sandhibandha(stability of the joints)
  • Kshama(forebearance)

Function of Dhatu in Sama state(normalcy)

Function of dhatus in their normalcy

PrInanam jIvam lepa: sneho dharanapurane| garbhotpAdshcha dhAtunam shreshtam karma krAtsmrutam|

(A.H 11-3)

  1. Nourishment (Prinanam)-this is done by Rasa dhatu
  2. Jivana(enlivening); performed by Rakta dhatu.
  3. Lepana (lepana means to cover, to provide a coat.) This is the function of Mamsa dhatu.
  4. Meda dhatu lubricates the body(lepana)
  5. Asthi dhatu (bone tissue) provides support(dharana)
  6. Majja- does purana(filling) of asthi dhatu.
  7. Shukra dhatu; pleasure and continuation of the “body.”(Garbotpadana-conception)

Function of mala in normalcy.

Avashtabhbhah purIshasya, mutrasya kledavAhanam | svedasya kledavidhrutih

Function of Purisha:

  • Purisha(faeces) provides avashtambha (providing strength).

Function of Mutra:

Mutra does kledavahana (excretion of moisture).

Function of Sveda.

Sveda does kledavidhriti (retention of sweat). In other text it is written has -ke-shavidhriti (Support to hair).

Effects of Increased Dosha to the Body.


  1. Vata:

                    -vrudhastu kurute anilah ||5||

kAshryakAshnryoshnakAmatvakampAnAhashakrudgrAn| balanidrendriyabhramshapralApabhramadIntA: ||6||

 Signs of increased vata dosha.

In vruddha(increased) state causes:

  • Karshya(emaciation)
  • Karshnya(blackish decolourization)
  • Ushna-kamatva(craving for hot substances)
  • Kampa(tremors)
  • Anaha (abdominal distention)
  • Shakrt-graha(constipation)
  • Bala-bhramsha(loss of bodily strength)
  • Nidra-bhramsha(insomnia)
  • Indriya-bhramsha(loss of sensory perception)
  • Pralapa(delirium)
  • Bhrama(giddiness)
  • Dinata(misery)

2. Pitta Vridhhi:

Signs of increased dosha in the body.

PItavinmutranetratvakkshuttruddAhAlpanidratA pittam- Ref (A.H-11- 71/2))

Pitta when increased causes the following symptoms:

  • Pitata-causes yellowish of vit(faeces), mutra(urine), netra(eyes), and twak(skin).
  • Kshut(hunger)
  • Trd(thirst)
  • Daha (burning sensation)
  • Alpa-nidrata(reduced sleep).

3.Kapha Dosha:

-shleshmA agnisadanaprasekAlasyagouravam ||7||

shrvaityashaityashlathAngatvam shrvAsakAsAtinidratAh |

Kapha when increased causes the following symptoms to manifest in the body:

  • Agni- sadana-dyspepsia
  • Praseka-Profuse salivation
  • Alasya-lassitude
  • Gaurava(heaviness)
  • Shvaitya(pallor)
  • Shlatha-angatva(laxity of bodily parts)
  • Shwasa(dyspnea)
  • Kasa(cough)
  • Ati-nidra (excessive sleep).

Contributor- Dr. Robert Kibet Cheboi

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