Ayurveda is praised by the Sages and Acharyas as the knowledge that is Virtuous. It is useful and beneficial for this world and the next.

Why as it considered so?

This is because of the following reasons:
The objects of Ayurveda are:

• Dharma
• Karma
• Artha
• Moksha

In Ashtanga Hridaya Sutra Sthana 1 verse 2 quotes the following: –

आयु: कामचमानेन धमर्थसुखसाधनम्। आयुर्वेदोपदेशेशु विधेय: परमादर:॥२॥

Whoever desires for long life, which is the sadhana(resources) for attaining dharma (righteousness and Morality), Artha(property) and Sakha (happiness and Contentment) should show utmost respect (Param adara) and should accept the upadesha of Ayurveda.
Do engage in the above and attain them a person should always be in a healthy state. To be healthy one must understand his or her body and its physiological process.
One of the major factors that influences the healthiness of ethe individual is the dosha.

The Concept of Dosha

The concept of Doshas are introduced in the Samhitas at different sutra Sthana depending on the textual text one is studying.
In Charaka Samhita, one is introduced to the basic knowledge of Doshas in Cha. Su. 1 verse 57. And the quotation goes as follows:

वायु: पित्त कफश्र्चोतक्त्त: शरीरो दोषसंग्रह: ।
मानस: पुनरुहिष्टो रजश्र्च तम एव च ॥५७॥

The sloka above contains the knowledge of doshas of the body(sharira) & of the mind(manasa). Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the doshas of the body and Raja, and Tama are the dosha of the Mind.


Reference; Cha.Su.59-61
Each dosha as properties that are inherent to. These properties have great influence for the prevention, causation of disease, treatment, and sustentation of the health of an individual.

The Gunas of Vata Dosha.
The following below are the properties of Vata Dosha.
1. Rukshah: – Ruksha means dry. Rukshah means dryness which is the quality of being non-unctuousness.
2. Shito: -Shita means cold, shitah means coldness
3. Laghu- meaning light
4. Sukshma-Subtle
5. Chala-mobile
6. Vishada- slimmy
7. Khara-rough

1. Sneham-slightly unctuous
2. Ushna-Hot in nature.
3. Tikshna-Sharp. This gives Pitta dosha, a penetrating Quality.
4. Drava-Liquid in nature(consistence).
5. Amla-Sour in taste
6. Sara-Mobile.
7. Katu-Pungent in taste.

Kapha has the following gunas;
1. Guru-Its heavy
2. Shita-cold
3. Mrudu-soft
4. Snigdha-Oily
5. Madhura-sweet in taste
6. Sthira-immobile
7. Picchila- Slimmy in nature

The significances of Dosha

1. Causation of disease

Ayurveda defines health as the state in which the doshas are in the state of equilibrium. If there are any disturbances in the quality or qualities of sharira dosha of Manasika dosha with favourable and constant conditions in which alters the qualities of a dosha(s) they lead to the manifestation of diseases of the body and mind respectively.

2. Influences the Body constitution of the individual

Prakruti which refers to the Body constitution as per Ayurveda is determined by the combination of the doshas during conception. Once they have combined, they cannot be changed till death. Different combination of the doshas present themselves to make up the Body constitution of a person.

The salient constitution is divided into two:
a. Shareerika
b. Manaseeka

a) Shareerika Prakruti
Shareerika Prakruti are formed by the special combination of the sharirak doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). Seven types of Shareerak Prakruti exists;
1. Vata
2. Pitta
3. Kapha
4. Pitta-Kapha
5. Vata-Pitta
6. Vaya-Kapha
7. Sannipata (This is the best type of constitution)

b) Manaseeka Prakruti
The constitution of the mind. The prakruti of the mind according to Ayurveda is determined by the combination and abundance of the qualities of manasika dosha. There are three types of manasika constitution:

1) Sattvika
2) Rajasika
3) Tamasika

3. The principle of treatment and choice of Drug
Treating a disease by the Vaidya is based on what dosha, what quality/qualities of the doshas have been vitiated and in what combination they have joined together with other doshas as well as which dosha is the predominate. Having determine these parameters, the choice of drugs are chosen which are opposite to the qualities of the responsible dosha(s) that have caused the expression of a disease.

4. Dosha also helps to determine if the diseases are treatable or incurable.
By looking at the severity, the duration, and the mode of combination of the doshas, Vaidya(doctor) can conclude whether to treat the patient or not.

Contributor- Dr. Robert Kibet Cheboi

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