Introduction –
Artava refers to menstruation or menstrual blood, ovum and also ovarian hormones. Ovum influences fertilization, fetus and also causes certain gynecological disorders.
Ashtartavadusti or eight menstrual disorders–
Etiology of astartavadusti :
According to Kasyapa use of sternutatory drugs during menstruation, consumption of excessive hot substances and use of excessive medicines for cleansing purposes to the of mrdu kostha having received oleation and sudation are the cause of all menstrual disorders. It can be said that specific factors responsible to aggravate the particular dosas, coupled with non observance of regulations related to reproductive system are the causative factors.
Classification and clinical features of astartavadusti :
According to Susruta, there are eight disorders of artava which are as follows –
Vata, Pitta, kaphaja, kunapagandhi, granthibhuta, putipuya, krisna and mutrapurisa tulya.
- Vataja artavadusti –
Menstrual blood is red, black or dark violet in color; it is thin, frothy and scattered. It is excreted slowly with pain, especially perforating or piercing type of pain. - Pittaja artavadusti –
Menstrual blood is yellowish or bluish in color; it is free from unctuousness; smells like pus, fungus, blood or has putrid smell; excreted menstrual blood is hot, severe burning sensation and feeling of heat at the time of excretion. - Kaphaja artavadusti –
Menstrual blood is whitish or yellowish in color, mixed with bone marrow, too much thick, slippery, settles down if
dropped in water and unctuous, retention of urine, lethargy, sleepiness, drowsiness, stiffness, etc. - Kunapagandhi artavadusti –
It is caused by rakta. Menstrual blood releases in more amount and is red like fresh blood, heat, burning sensation, etc. - Granthibhuta artavadusti –
It is caused due to vata and slesma and is associated with features of both the dosas. - Putipuya or puya artavadusti –
Putipuya artavadusti is caused by pitta and kaha dosas and is characterized with the features of pitta and kapha. - Ksina artavadusti –
Kisna artavadusti is caused by pitta and vayu and it is associated with features of vata and pitta dosas. Menstrution is delayed, menstrual blood is scanty and associated with pain in vagina. - Mutrapurisagandhi artavadusti –
Mutrapurisagandhi artavadusti is caused due to all three dosas ( vata, pitta and kapha ).
Prognosis of astartavadusti :
According to susruta, kunapagandhi, granthibhuta, putipuya, ksina and mutrapurisa gandhi disorders are incurable. Disorders considered caused by one particular dosas are curable.
Artavaksaya :
In the event of deficiency or loss of artava, the menstruation does not appear in its appropriate time or is delayed, is scanty and does not last for three days. There is also pain in vagina.
Woman desires hot, sour, salty, katu, vidahi and heavy food particles, fruit vegetables and squash, etc. beverages.
Nastartava or anartava :
Destruction of artava or non appearance of artava has been described by Susruta and Vagbhata respectively. The dosas obstruct the passage or orifices of channels carrying artava, thus artava is destroyed. Though artava is not finished completely, yet, it is not discharged monthly. Here with dosas the vata and kapha are referred, because aggravated pitta increases rakta, thus produces excessive bleeding.
Artavativriddhi :
Artavativriddhi is a condition characterized by bodyache, excessive bleeding during menstruation and foul smell in menstural blood. This foul smell in blood is due to the fact that artava is similar to pitta. Complications include weakness and raktagulma.
Asrgdara or Pradara :
Due to excessive secretion of menstrual blood it is named as pradara and asrgdara. Asrgdara is classified under four groups –
Vataja, Pittaja, Kapahaja, Sannipataja
- Vataja asrgdara –
Discharged menstrual blood is frothy, thin, rough, blackish or reddish, comes with or without pain, intermenstrual bleeding and vataja symptoms. - Pittaja asrgdara –
Menstrual blood is blue, yellow or blackish in color, hot, comes in pofuse amount, repeatedly and with pain, buring sensation, redness, thirst, mental confusion, fever, giddiness. - Kaphaja asrgdara –
Menstrual blood is discharged with mild pain, vomitting, anorexia, nausea, dyspnea, cough. Menstrual blood is slimy, pale, heavy, unctuous, cold, mixed with mucus and thick. - Sannipataja asrgdara –
Clinical features of all the three dosas are present