Action:- Bacteriostatic

P/D:- Tetracyclines moves inside bacteria via porin channels and stops the protein synthesis of bacteria which causes stoppage of bacterial multiplication 
Tetracycline are synthetic drugs.They are wide spectrum drugs.

They are effective against-

•Gram negative bacteria

•Gram positive bacteria

•Atypical bacteria

•Spiral bacteria

•They are also effective against protozoa like – 


-Amoeba (Tetracyclines are used along with other drugs to kill these protozoa.)

Tetracyclines get stores in liver 

Tetracyclines can cross Blood Brain Barrier


First generation drugs-




Second generation drugs-



Third generation drugs-

Glycicyclines- (Tigecycline drug comes under Glycicyclines)

Adverse effects:-

Tetracyclines gets stored in some tissues and may cause adverse effects like-

•In Bone- It affects the bone growth, especially in children

•In teeth- Brown discoloration

•In liver- Hepatotoxic

•In kidney- Nephrotoxic

•In GIT- Diarrhea, Gastritis, Esophagitis

•Not used in children with age less then 10-12 year
•Not given to lactating mothers- Because tetracyclines have milk excretion and so may move into child and may cause problem.
•Not used in pregnant ladies- Because it may cause fetal toxicity,and as it gets stored in liver do it may also cause damage to liver.


1) In cholera– Cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae (gram negative bacillus),tetracycline is used

2) In plague- caused by Yersinia pestis (gram negative bacillus), tetracycline is used

3) In  peptic ulcer- caused by Helicobacter pylori (gram negative bacillus) , tetracycline + metronidazole is used

4) In URTI – may be caused by streptococcus pneumoniae (gram positive coccus), streptococcus pyogens (gram positive coccus), Haemophilus influenzae ( gram negative bacillus), Moraxella Catarrhalis (gram negative coccus) in all these infections doxycycline/minocycline may be used

5) In LRTI- Glycicyclines are used

6) In acne- caused by propionibacterium acne (gram positive bacillus), doxycycline/minocycline are used

7) In brucellosis- caused by Brucella abortus (gram negative bacillus) , tetracycline + rifampicin {anti TB drug) is used

8) In atypical pneumonia- caused by Chlamydia, mycoplasma (mostly in children), tetracycline used

9) In tetanus- caused by clostridium tetani (gram positive bacillus)

10) In syphillis- caused by trepenoma pallidum (spirochete), basically in syphillis drug of choice is penicillin but in case patient have hypersensitivity/allergy from penicillins then tetracyclines can be used.

11) In chancroid- caused by Haemophilus duceryi (gram negative cocobacillus bacteria), doxycycline is effective against.

12) In lympho granuloma venerium- caused by chlamydia trochomatis (atypical bacteria)

13) In granuloma inguinale- caused by Klebsiella granulomatitis (gram negative bacteria) 

14) In malaria- caused by plasmodium falciparum/vivax doxycycline+quinine is used

15) In amoebiasis- caused by entamoeba histolytica, tetracycline+metronidazole is used

Contributor- Medico Anant Singh Nanda 

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