Anti Cholinergic drugs are the group of drugs that acts just opposite to the effects of Ach,they blocks the action of Ach on its receptors.There are wide range of drugs that have anti cholinergic action,few of the drugs have been named here with respect to the main use of the drug.
Atropine is the prototype drug of anti cholinergic drugs.
In Parkinsonism-
•Procyclidine- Given in initial stage of parkinsonism.
Anti cholinergic drugs as anti emetics-
In dysequlibrium + vertigo (due to problem in vestibular system)-
In Asthma-
•Ipatropium bromide
•Tiotropium bromide
As Mydriatic-
Peptic ulcer-
Now much better drugs like PPI’s are available, so these are less commonly used in peptic ulcers.
In Hyperhidrosis-
In IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)-
•Clidinium bromide
In Gastroenteritis-
•Hyoscine butyl bromide
In Incontinence-
In Cystitis-
In Uretic colic-
•Hyoscine butyl bromide
In Biliary colic-
Basically Dycycloamine and Hyoscine butyl bromide are anti spasmodic.
Contributor- Medico Anant Singh Nanda