Adrenaline– It have action on beta 1 & Alpha 1 receptor of blood vessels.
So used in where FOC needs to be increased or where vasoconstriction is needed.
It can be given as infusion,as injection,nebulizer, and sometimes even intra cardiac adrenaline is also given.
But it is used mostly in emergency conditions only.

Isoprenaline– It acts on beta 1,2,3 receptor.
Given as oral/infusion
Given when HR is very low.
It may cause adverse effect like Tremors and palpitation

Dopamine– It have action on beta 1 receptor of heart and if it’s high dose is given then it may also act on Alpha 1 receptor of blood vessels both of these actions causes increase in FOC,HR and vasoconstriction.

Dobutamine– It have selective action on beta 1 receptor of heart and it may also acts on beta 2 receptor of blood vessel causing vasodilation.

Some Adrenergic Bronchodilators

Have already talked about them in my previous post.

Some Nasal Decongestants

They all acts on Alpha 1 receptor of blood vessels of nasal cavity and causes vasoconstriction of them and as they have local action so they treats the nasal congestion well.

Phenylephrine– It is also available as oral,nasal drop,eye drop
When used as eye drop it does mydriasis (pupil dilation).

Oral systemic nasal decongestant

They are oral but have systemic impact.


But these drugs are not preferred for long time use, as it may cause regular vasoconstriction of nasal blood vessels leading to anosmia
Also these are not given in patient’s with HTN.

Mephentermine– Action on beta 1 & Alpha 1 receptor so basically used in emergency when BP falls.

Ritodrine– It is known as uterine relaxant.It acts on beta 2 receptor of uterine muscles and causes uterine relaxation.


1)As it acts on beta 2 receptor so it may also acts on beta 2 receptor of beta cell of pancreas and causes stop in the insulin release which further causes hyperglycemia.

2)Also it may act on beta 2 receptors of blood vessel causing vasodilation and hypotension.

There are many more drugs which comes under adrenergic drug like amphetamine,etc but they have more of Anti obesity action. So will be talking more about adrenergic drugs under anti obesity drugs.
Also this is just an overview of drugs which one can understand easily,if you have not read the normal adrenergic effects then I will prefer you to first read normal adrenergic effect and then get back to this adrenergic drugs.
I have not written ROA,P/D,P/K,A/E for each drugs because you can easily get this information from any book.Our only aim is to understand the basics of drugs and their action which you can easily learn from these posts.

FOC:- Force of contraction
HR:- Heart rate
HTN:- Hypertension
ROA:- Route of administration
P/D:- Pharmacodynamics
P/K:- Pharmacokinetics
A/E:- Adverse effects

Contributor- Medico Anant singh Nanda

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